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Squeeze ’em!

Ladies (and gents!!): I bring you my favorite month of the year, October. Why do you ask? It's breast cancer awareness month! First off, everything goes pink this month and although it can get a bit cheezy the pink is to help you…

Road Trip Rules: When Traveling with Kids!

My family and I have made many road trips. Living in Colorado for the military and all of our family was located in Arizona or Illinois made for some very long trips! I’ve put together a list of our road tripping with kids survival guide!…

Safe Co-Sleeping

It is becoming more common to co-sleep with your baby, and yet the AAP does not recommend it. As an attached parent, I have practiced safe co-sleeping with my children and we currently have a huge family bed. In the research I have done,…

Healthy Foods For Toddler… Well Kinda

My toddler will not eat anything but PB&J's, Mac N Cheese, Cheesy Wraps, Chips, pretzels, waffles, happy meals (including the apples!!!) , most fruits, and bagels. I am not kidding. I am lucky if I get an organic smoothie into him. This…

Infant Fever: When To Worry

If you read my post yesterday, you know we have all been sick around here. My two little angels had a rough week, and so did their very worried mama. I was pretty confident in dealing with my toddler being sick, but my three month old was a…

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