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Staying Healthy When the Kids are Sick

We all know that mom’s don’t get sick days, why can’t the laundry not feeling like being done when it’s under the weather?! My kids currently have a lovely little sniffle and runny eyes.. oh and a cough. So to keep this mom train going I…

REPORT: Fergie Pregnant With Twins

Does Fergie have two buns in the oven? According to the Enquirer, the Grammy award winner and husband Josh Duhamel are expecting twins. “Fergie and Josh feel like they hit the baby jackpot,” a close friend told the tabloid. “They…

Keeping the Mom Car Clean

So if your car is anything like mine, it’s a plethora of child items and there is no end in sight. I always tell myself, okay once I get it clean it’s going to stay clean and yeah, that doesn’t happen! Well, I just got a ‘new to me’ car…

The Sleepless Three Year Old

For those of you who follow this blog, you’ll remember that I have a 3.5 year old son who was diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder around the age of 2.5 years old. Those of you who didn’t know, now you do! I love my son very much…

Mom Bullies

What a ridiculous idea right? After all, we’re grown ups. Even young moms have taken on a roll that forces them to grow up a bit faster than their peers. So what is this concept of mommy bullying you say? Raising children can be a…

Super Bowl Party: Family Friendly Food

Beer and hot wings are a football game staple for adults, but what do you serve for the younger football fans at the party?  For this Sunday’s Super Bowl skip the pizza delivery and get creative and get the kids involved with these…

When Breastfeeding Fails: A Mother’s Guilt

When you discover you’re pregnant the big question on many people’s mind is “are you going to breast feed?” I know for myself the natural answer was “of course”. People talk that breast is best and all the benefits of having your child be…

Keeping Kids Healthy During Flu Season

Daycare centers & schools are the #1 way to spread germs and during the cold and flu season that is the last thing any parent wants. It’s hard to be 100% sure that your kiddos won’t get sick but there are some steps you can take to…

Winter Weather Driving with Kids

As the weather around here gets ickier the urge to prepare the care for emergency situations nags at my mind. You never know what can happen on icy roads and with kids often in the car I won’t chance it. Check your car seats: Double and…

Kid Friendly New Year’s Eve!

As parents it’s hard to go out on new years. Often times you’ll need an over night babysitter or a sitter that can stay with your children well into the wee hours. So let’s say you’re not planning on paying an arm and a leg for such a…

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