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Surviving The Family Summer Barbecue

It's unavoidable. July is winding down and the enthusiasm for backyard bashes is still strong. Here are some tips to stay grill-happy this summer. Have it well-done. Pay extra care that meat is not undercooked to avoid the risks of…

Easy Coupon Ideas for Mom!

Companies love your feedback. Really, they do! That’s the only way the know how to make changes or improvements or stay the same. I remember in my high school English class I was told that if you’re going to make a complaint about…

Family Zoo Day

For those if you that follow my first time mommy adventures, you know we love taking our little man to the zoo. We have an annual pass and try to go at least once a month. We are definitely taking advantage of the 80 degree weather before…

Not crawling yet…

So we’ve gotten a lot of weird looks and comments because our little man is not crawling yet. He’s only six months old but a lot of our other friend’s baby’s started at five months. It is definitely hard not to compare your child to…

Working Out While Being a Mom!

As many of us, I am working on losing weight and toning away this baby weight. Often times though, my ‘mom’ job doesn’t ever end so finding alone time to be able to visit a gym isn’t easy. Here are some at home activities to try! Zumba,…

CRAFTING: Planning a Superhero Party

I know he’s only six months but I’m getting a head start on planning his first birthday party. The first six months have flown by that I want to be sure I have enough time to plan an amazing party for our baby. I want to keep the party…

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