My Breastfeeding Adventure Continues…

Breastfeeding For the First Time

I did it! Breastfed for 6 months! Now, to my next goal of 1 year!

Someone asked me the other day what the biggest challenge in raising our son has been…and without a doubt it is definitely breastfeeding. When I was pregnant, I read a ton of books on pregnancy, sleep training, and tips for getting through baby’s first year but I didn’t really give breastfeeding books another thought.

This may sound strange but the pain that came with the first two weeks of breastfeeding and sore nipples was way worse than what I experienced in labor. (And I made it to 10 cm without an epidural!) My milk didn’t come in until day 7 and we supplemented with formula the first few weeks. Not only was it painful but it was awkward. I couldn’t get comfortable in the cradle or football hold even with nursing pillows and regular pillows. The first two months were filled with soreness, tenderness, engorged breasts, the occasionally leaky shirt, and trying to somehow make it feel natural.

Somewhere between month 2 and 3, I finally started the get the hang of it – the only problem was baby only wanted to nurse side-lying. He would scream and cry if I tried to hold him in the cradle or football position. My lactation consultant was on speed dial but if it wasn’t for her support and the support I received online I wouldn’t have been where we are today. Around month 4 (when baby could support his own head), I was finally able to nurse him in the cradle position but that was right after mastitis. Luckily, I caught it early and only endured three days of high fever, chills, aches, and sharp pain.

Fast forward to now and I have successfully breastfed for 6 months…and I even nurse in public! (baby still hates the cover and likes to swat and move it away so he can look around) Looking back, I am so glad I stuck with it. I love being able to provide the best nutrition for my baby and I love the bonding time we have. Here’s to another six months (and hopefully more!).

About CJ –  A Celeb Baby Laundry Contributing Author: I was born and raised in Hawaii, I moved to Los Angeles seven years ago. I met my husband playing co-ed softball and we got married two years ago. We have two sweet dogs and welcomed our first child in November 2012. We love outdoor activities, traveling and spending time with our family and friends.

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