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Fall Family Fun With Apples

In light of my favorite season, Fall, I figured we could talk a bit about apples! So here are my favorite things to do with some lovely apples. First and foremost, fresh apples! Yum. Nothing better than picking them fresh off the tree.…

10 Summer Fun Safety Tips

Summertime means kids are home from school and your lives are full of day trips, vacations, trips to the beach and more. Surviving the summer can be easy as long as you apply these 10 Summer Fun Safety Tips. Summer can be one of the best…

What to do When the Kids are off School

With the holiday’s lurking around the corner kids will be getting various holiday breaks for the regularly scheduled school programs. Some parents think this is a blessing, getting to spend extra time with their kids while others, by…

Tips On Flying with Kids

With the holiday’s quickly approaching families are starting to think about traveling plans.. okay, well most families probably already have it planned, but I am a procrastinator so I am just starting to think about holiday plans. I have…

Road Trip Rules: When Traveling with Kids!

My family and I have made many road trips. Living in Colorado for the military and all of our family was located in Arizona or Illinois made for some very long trips! I’ve put together a list of our road tripping with kids survival guide!…

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