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Why it is Awesome to Have Twins

I have heard it all – “two babies, how do you manage?” and, “Wow, you must be tired all the time.” I have even heard a few more bold statements I won’t mention here. However, as hard as it can be sometimes having twins is amazing and…

Help Give Premature Babies a Tomorrow

Some of the most cherished memories of parenthood are the first milestones of your baby. From the first smile to the first step, each milestone is met with just as much excitement. These special moments are a reminder of just…

How to Maximize Family Time Now

Spending time together as a family is super important. However, life gets in the way and kind of ruins family time for most families. If you’d like to make the most of every minute together, check out these ways to maximize family time.…

How to Deal with New Parent Jitters

Having a new baby for the first time is super exciting, but it is also nerve-wracking. Most new parents haven’t even held a baby before and now they’re about to care for a baby every day for the next 18 years. If you’re about to be a new…

10 Tips for Positive Parenting

As a parent, it’s easy to fly off the handle if you don’t have a parenting plan in mind. Remember that a parent’s job is to help their kid have a positive childhood, one that they don’t need to recover from as an adult. Check out these 10…

10 Homework Help Tips for Parents

Helping our children with their homework can sometimes feel like a soap opera, full of drama and not getting anywhere. There’s no doubt that you will need to help your children with their homework, it’s just a matter of when and how.…

Making Mommy Time A Priority

One of the hardest things about parenting can be Making Mommy Time A Priority. Mommy time is simply that time you set aside to take care of yourself. Whether it is time alone, a bubble bath, a manicure or just reading a book, making time…

Dealing With Temper Tantrums

We all have heard of the tantrums that come with the terrible two's. They don't always end there. Here are some of our tips for Dealing With Temper Tantrums in your kids. As the parent, it can be very tough and even embarrassing when your…

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