Irish Baby Names

There are never enough baby naming sources. It's always fun to discover a new name you haven't thought of or heard in a while. So in honour of St Patrick's Day, and because I can't get enough of clever baby name sources, here are some…

Parents’ Frozen Cover Goes Viral

Young parents beware - watching fun flicks with your kids will leave you humming catchy tunes for weeks on end. But this young couple from Texas have taken their love for Disney's Frozen to a new level. The self proclaimed "good…

The Ultimate Pirate Ship Bedroom

Steve Kuhl, a designer and CEO has created the pirate ship bedroom of your Disney laden dreams. The cool custom design was built for a client of Kuhl's who wanted to give his son, Zach, the fun childhood he said he never had himself.

5 Easy Nursery Organising Tips

Organization is key to creating the right atmosphere in your newborn's nursery. Don't get overwhelmed with all the necessities, toys and clothes piling up. If you're already in nesting mode, it's helpful to think ahead. Even if you're…

Concern Over 3D Ultrasounds

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada is calling for an end to 'vanity ultrasounds.' The medical community is showing concern over unregulated procedures and gender selective abortions. 3D ultrasounds offer a detailed…

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