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Introducing Solids to Twins

Some of the most joyous moments of parenthood are when your baby reaches his or her first milestones. I know this pretty well because I'm a mom to twins. I get to witness milestones in doubles! At eight months, we transitioned from milk…

Expecting Twins? Best Twin Parenting Books

Finding out I was pregnant with my second child was exciting. I did the typical mom thing and began to purchase any and everything baby-related. While I wasn’t a new mom, it was still exciting and I figured there were few more things I…

How to Deal With Exhaustion With Twins

No one can understand how utterly tiring having twins is until it happens to them. When I first became a mother, it was a difficult adjustment. Still, that was nothing compared to the sheer stress that hit me when the twins came along…

Preparing Siblings for Twins

When I was asked how we prepared to bring home our twin girls to an energetic and active five-year-old girl, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to provide a universally helpful answer. Every family and every household have different…

Help Give Premature Babies a Tomorrow

Some of the most cherished memories of parenthood are the first milestones of your baby. From the first smile to the first step, each milestone is met with just as much excitement. These special moments are a reminder of just…

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