What You Can Not Miss On A Disney Cruise?

Taking a Disney Cruise is a fun experience for kids and adults. They say you’re never too old for Disney, and we believe that to be true! Disney Cruise has become a widely popular way for families to get out and enjoy a family-friendly cruise.

This cruise option is the perfect way to know that your kids will have a blast, as you try to sit back to relax during your family Disney Cruise vacation. As with any family vacation, it’s always good to know some of the must-do’s that accompany a vacation, and that’s exactly what we’re going to feature today, everything you won’t want to miss when you opt to go on a Disney Cruise.

What Can You Not Miss On A Disney Cruise?

The Aquaduck

This water slide ride is a must experience for anyone going on a Disney Cruise. Currently, two ships include the Aquaduck, those are the Disney Dream and the Disney Fantasy. This water slide will create memories that your family will talk about for years to come.

Live Shows

The Broadway-quality live shows will take you back to New York Broadway, but you’ll be aboard a Disney Cruise ship so it’s much more memorable. You may even notice that some of the live shows include actors from New York Broadway shows.

Sailing Away Party

Enjoy dancing around with Mickey Mouse and the crew as you experience Disney Cruises’ sailing away party. This is something you cannot miss on a Disney Cruise. It’s so wonderful to see the crew and Disney characters having a blast dancing around with guests. at the sailing away party.

Castaway Cay 5K

This is a great way to be among the first guests of the Disney Cruise ships and experience Castaway Cay before other cruise ship guests arrive. You can sign up for free, get some exercise and even end the Castaway Cay 5K with a plastic trophy!

Dress Like a Pirate

Most of the Disney Cruise ships have a pirate night where you can dress like a pirate to escape the realities of adult life. We highly recommend you take advantage of this fun event. Dressing like a pirate with your family will provide loads of laughter and fond memories.

Stay Awake

Disney Cruise ships offer one of the best fireworks shows possible. You may be a little tired to enjoy fireworks after a long day aboard your cruise ship, but it’s well worth it. Disney Cruise’s know how to put on a fireworks show that will keep you entertained.

Planning a vacation with your family abroad Disney Cruise ships is truly a fantastic way to enjoy quality time with your family all the while getting a Disney style vacation. With chances to dress like a pirate, watch fireworks and run or walk a 5K, who wouldn’t want to take off on a Disney Cruise adventure? Going on a Disney Cruise means that your whole family will feel warm and welcome throughout your entire time aboard and off-board the ship.


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