Valentine’s Day Activities – Family Friendly & Fun!

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and if you are anything like me, Valentine’s Day is not quite the same as it used to be. It is no longer about getting the hottest dinner reservations, or find the most romantic movie, it is more like “should we get a sitter or just forget about it until next year?”

While most of us would love to have a romantic date with our special someone, the reality is that we have a ton of stuff to do and we have kids. When you have children, you really can’t just head out for a night on the town anytime you want. That’s why it’s always a good move to have plenty of ideas for family friendly Valentine’s Day Activities that you can do with the kids for the holiday.

Honestly, Valentine’s Day is so hyped up anyway, it is just smart to make this a family friendly holiday and save the romance for a day when you don’t have to fight for a dinner reservation or wait in line for hours.

If you are ready to have a wonderful time with your family this Valentine’s Day, look no further than this awesome list of family friendly Valentine’s Day activities that you can do with your family this February 14th.

Family Friendly Valentine’s Day Activities

Head To The Bowling Alley

One place that you aren’t likely to have to wait in line for on Valentine’s Day is the bowling alley. While it can be a ton of fun and perfect for dates, it’s not really the peak of romantic date ideas, which is why it is rarely packed on Valentine’s Day. That’s what makes it so perfect to include on this list of family friendly Valentine’s Day activities!

Bowling alleys are often loud (perfect for kids), they have options for bowlers of all skill levels, and bowling is very budget friendly!

Deliver Flowers…Anonymously

Want to give your kids an experience that they won’t forget? Go to the florist, or your local grocery store (with a flower department) and buy a dozen individually wrapped flowers and hand deliver them to strangers. Anyone you want!

You can hand them out to people as they walk out of the store, as they walk down the street or anywhere at all. This is one of those activities that you can do that will bring people smiles and open up your children’s eyes to how great it feels to do a kind deed.

Head To The Zoo

Would you like to know the best time to visit the zoo? When everyone else is out on a date! Seriously the attendance at the zoo is never too crowded on Valentine’s Day and that means that it is the perfect time to go and see the beautiful animals. Of course, it is still winter, so be sure that everyone is bundled up so they don’t get cold.

You’ll be surprised to learn that not only are the crowds smaller, but the animals are pretty active too!

Go Play In The Snow

As we mentioned earlier, it is winter. That means that unless you live in one of the southern states, you might just be able to find snow nearby! If you don’t have it in your backyard, you likely just have to drive for a bit to find it. Bundle the entire family up, grab a sled or two, make a thermos of cocoa and go have some good old fashioned cold-weather fun!

Take A Short Weekend Trip To A Hotel

Pack up the kids and head to a hotel for the night or for the weekend. Be sure to choose a hotel or resort that has kid friendly amenities such as a pool and your kids will remember your “Valentine’s Vacation” long into their future.

Dollar Store Gift Trip

Give each person in the family enough money so that they can buy each person a gift at the dollar store. For example, if you and your spouse have two children, give each family member 3 dollars. Then tell each person to choose a gift for each other family member that will tell that person what they love about them.

For example, they can get their mom a hairbrush and that would then say “I love your hair” or “I love it when you brush my hair.” The possibilities are endless, but this is a very fun way to teach your children how to give meaningful gifts, instead of just buying something for the sake of buying it.

Movie Night In

When was the last time you watched a complete movie with your children? I bet it has been a while. I also bet that the last time you sat down to watch a movie with your kids, you spent part of that time on the phone. Am I right? 

Instead of the typical, sit-on-the-couch and pretend to watch a movie routine, let’s do a real movie night for the whole family. As a family you can choose a movie (or two) to watch. Order takeout, pop some popcorn, and just enjoy cuddling up and watching a movie together. For this one, be sure and leave your phone in the other room.


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