Making Mommy Time A Priority

Making Mommy Time A Priority

One of the hardest things about parenting can be Making Mommy Time A Priority. Mommy time is simply that time you set aside to take care of yourself. Whether it is time alone, a bubble bath, a manicure or just reading a book, making time for yourself is very important.  It is very tough, but we have some tips on how to make mommy time a priority that will be easy for any mom to implement. 

Communicate with your spouse. One of the most important things you can to do make time for yourself as a mom a priority is to communicate to your spouse what your needs are.  Sometimes, spouses don’t see or understand the need.  A long conversation letting them know you are overwhelmed can help tremendously toward getting their cooperation to make that happen.  

Put kids to bed earlier. One easy way to make more time for yourself is to adjust the kids bed time.  This will give you more adult time where you can easily take that bubble bath, read a book or just go to bed earlier.  All of those are things that are great options for mommy time. 

Get outside help. If your finances allow, make room to pay for outside help in your home.  Hire someone to be your babysitter one night a week or month.  Perhaps hiring a housekeeper to come in and help you clean is another great option.  

Trade off with your friends. Sometimes it is simply a must to call on your local girlfriends and swap out evenings caring for each others kids.  Take turns with local friends giving them a break for mommy time. When your turn comes around, you can enjoy without guilt and know that they are there caring for your kids just like you would be doing for them. 

It can be really tough to figure out how to make mommy time a priority.  Single moms will struggle more than those with a spouse in the home, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to begin making mommy time a priority.  Think outside the box, and make the effort to communicate with your family your need for time to regroup, relax and recharge. 

  1. Merry120 says

    Great post! I agree that mommy time should be a priority but it is hard to remember to schedule it in! Even it if is just an hour to have a hot bath while you read. So important!

  2. Little Miss Kate says

    Getting outside help was my #1 thing when I went back to work after my maternity leave. Having someone in to do a deep clean of the house once a month is so worth the money

  3. Bonnie Way says

    After seven years as a mom, I know I need Mommy time! And when I need it! But it has taken me a while to figure that out. Now my kids are old enough that I can get them busy with something and then read my book or write a blog post. It used to be harder, so we’d go for a walk and I could at least get some fresh air and look around for a bit while pushing the stroller. Just find whatever works for you!!! I love trading with my mom friends because then we’re helping each other – and they appreciate it too. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  4. Randa @ TBK says

    My favorite thing is a nice hot bath at night. Just me and my phone so I can Pin away and just zone out!

  5. Aeryn Lynne says

    Great tips! There are five adults taking care of two kids in this house, we’re all mindful of mommy needing a break when she can get it, and its fun for the rest of us to hang out with the kids when we can. πŸ™‚

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