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Kids At Weddings Dos & Don’ts

I love going to weddings more than anything else! Watching two of my friends say those two special words in front of everyone is just fabulous. There's just one little thing I worry about... My kids! Of course, I want them to be a part of…

Books to Teach Caring to Children

One important virtue to teach children from a young age is the ability to care about others. No one wants to raise a child that is selfish and lacks empathy towards others. Besides, setting a good example for your children everyday, you…

Schedule, Schedule, For Twins

I’ve never been fond of kid’s schedule until I got Rose and Ella. That is because having twins means double the work. Therefore, scheduling various things is crucial – unless you want to go “crazy.” Getting your infants to a schedule is…

Why Being A Mom is Awesome

Don’t get me wrong, when I first became a mother, I wasn’t quite sure how I’d cope. The truth, though it’s hard to admit, is that becoming a parent really changes who you are. You have this world of brand new responsibility. That in…