How to Enjoy Disney World with a Teenager

How do you combine the most magical place on Earth with the most awkward and antisocial period of a person’s life? Well, first and foremost, save yourself the drama and don’t drag a teenager kicking and screaming to Walt Disney World. If,…

Chocolate Cool Whip Pudding Pops

It seems like summer snuck up on us this summer! It went from being cold to scorching hot in a matter of a day. The sweltering heat can get overwhelming and even more so if you're a kid during the summer months. How do you combat a…

Five Summer Boredom Busters for Kids

Summer is the season of sun, sand, swimming, and just all-around fun. But, eventually, regardless of how many carefree and adventurous activities you suggest to your kids, they’ll inevitably complain of boredom. Nip boredom in the bud…

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