Did Mama June Win Custody Of Kaitlyn From Michael Cardwell?

Mama June Shannon - WEtv - YouTube

Mama June Shannon from Mama June: Family Crisis went to fight for custody of Anna Cardwell’s daughter, Kaitlyn after Anna’s ex, Michael filed for custody. Did Michael lose to the WEtv star? Read on to find out. 

Mama June Fans Think Shannon Is A Terrible Mom

Over the years, fans saw that June Shannon abandoned her daughter, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, and went on a drug spree with Geno Doak. More recently the Family Crisis show revealed that she misappropriated money that should have been set aside for Alana’s college.

Additionally, Mama June Shannon had a relationship with a man who Anna Cardwell alleged sexually abused her as a child. So, she moved out and went to live with her grandmother before marrying Michael Cardwell. Later, they divorced, but he kept on seeing the children. WEtv fans were shocked that Kaitlyn ended up living with June after Anna passed away from cancer. 

Michael Cardwell Loses His Bid For Custody?

After WEtv fans saw that Anna Cardwell passed away, they hoped that Anna’s daughter, Kaitlyn could stay with Anna’s ex,  Michael Cardwell, and her half-sister, Kylee. However, June was granted temporary emergency custody and took the kid to live with her and her husband, Justin Stroud. 

Mama June Family Crisis - Kaitlyn - WEtv - YouTube
Mama June Family Crisis – Kaitlyn – WEtv – YouTube


Michael Cardwell wasn’t the dad of Mama June Shannon’s grandchild, but he helped raise her since she was a baby. And, he considered his ties to her from a father-figure perspective. He is the dad of Kylee, and WEtv fans were appalled when June separated the two children. But Michael filed for custody and hopeful fans donated money to his fight,  Now, it seems that he lost his bid.

WEtv Fans Discuss The Reported Lost Fight

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Michael Cardwell’s fiance London Smith, strongly hinted that they lost their custody case. The news arrived on social media, and obviously, they felt disappointed. However, it also seems as if Mama June Shannon eased up a bit and the two kids do talk to each other. 

Michael Cardwell Instagram
Michael Cardwell Instagram

When the news arrived on Reddit, u/Southern-Fried-Biker seemed angry. They wrote:

I’m so heated over this. What Judge in their right mind decides that June is fit to raise a child. She didn’t raise her own! She has stolen from all of her kids and she will do the same with Katelyn. She put Anna through hell. Stoled every dime that Anna made. Called Anna a liar about being repeatedly raped by her child molesting ex. I can’t even type I’m so p-ssed! The courts do not protect the kids.

Sadly, a lot of Mama June: Family Crisis fans had already guessed that Michael stood little chance of keeping Kaitlyn. Here are some of their thoughts:

  • I’ve said since the beginning he didn’t have a chance in hell of winning custody. I’m not saying it was the right decision but it’s the legal one. He’s nothing to her in the courts eyes. Just an ex step dad.
  • Is nobody there concerned about the child’s safety what with June’s history of dating abusers and using drugs? 
  • She is disgusting. She exposed Alana to Anna’s abuser, is a well known addict, and stole tens of tens of thousands of dollars from her kids. She doesn’t care about this child she wants her to keep her husband and the money. If she gave a damn she would have left that baby with the man who raised her and her sister

What are your thoughts on the probability that Michael Cardwell was never going to win his custody case against Mama June Shannon? Sound off in the comments below, and remember to come back here for all your Mama June: Family Crisis news.   

SOURCE: The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Reddit.

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