Collin Gosselin Details Terrible Allegations Of Being Zip-Tied

Collin Gosselin - Entertainment Tonight - YouTube

Jon and Kate Plus 8 fans heard rumors about Collin Gosselin being sent off to a mental facility after his dad, Jon Gosselin got rid of his TLC gag order. Now a young man, Collin opened up about his life on Vice TV and in other interviews. This week, the former child star from TLC detailed more terrifying allegations, including being restrained in zip-ties by Kate Gosselin. 

Collin Gosselin Claims Abusive Childhood

When the sextupet from the TLC show opened up on Vice TV last year, some of his story was already known via his dad, Jon. In fact, Jon claimed that he spent his last dollars trying to get him free from a mental intuition, and proving there was never anything wrong with him in the first place

Collin Gosselin smuggled out a letter to his dad. And the former Jon and Kate Plus 8 star got custody of his son. He lived with his father and his sister Hannah. Meanwhile, the rest of the sextuples from the TLC show, the older twins, Mady and Cara, and Kate Gosselin remained estranged from him. After The Vice TV docuseries, Kate Gosselin took a lot of heat from TLC fans.

Kate Gosselin Zip-Tied Her Son In A Basement?

The young TLC alum who claimed he was sent to the institution for trying to discuss his alleged abuse with a teacher, is talking more these days. Recently, he spoke with The Sun and detailed how allegedly, he was abused before being sent to a mental institution at the age of 11.   

Young Collin Gosselin - Jon and Kate Plus 6 - TLC - Via ET - YouTube
Young Collin Gosselin – Jon and Kate Plus 6 – TLC – Via ET – YouTube


Collin Gosselin said:

My mother became many times and most of the time physically aggressive. Verbally very abusive with the things she would say and obviously, that carries over to the emotional side of things…My mother would put me in that room and zip tie my hands and feet together and lock the door. I quite often had cameras there just watching me. 

Collin Gosselin Alleges Being Zip Tied - The Sun - YouTube
Collin Gosselin Alleges Being Zip Tied – The Sun – YouTube


The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 child star alleged that he was kept in “a specially-built basement room.” Once again, Kate Gosselin’s son mentioned how terrified he was when she took him to a mental institution and only visited him once. 

When The Sun shared the interview on YouTube, TLC fans ripped into Kate Gosselin in the comments section. Here are some of their reactions:

  • Kate should be ashamed. There is no circumstance where it’s ok to zip tie a child. Absolutely abhorrent.
  • Kate would never admit to what she did to Collin. If she admitted it, she would be put in jail. Kate is a horrible mother. Collin, we all are on your side.
  • Kate absolutely put out that Instagram post to get him kicked out of the Marine Corps. What a disgusting human.
  • He should sue his mom. TLC should be sued out of existence. TLC is toxic.
  • Kate should have been arrested for child abuse.

What are your thoughts about Collin Gosselin alleging such terrible stories of being isolated and zip-tied by his mother, Kate Gosselin? Are you hoping that he leads a good life as an adult? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Jon and Kate Plus 8 news

SOURCE: The Sun.

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