Meghan Markle Shouts Out Daughter, Lilibet In Colombia

Meghan Markle Shouts Out Lilibet - GB News - YouTube

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry find a lot of supporters amongst their many critics, but fans noticed that during their recent visit to Colombia, children seemed attracted to them. Plus, their own daughter, Lilibet got a shoutout from her mom during a speech.

Meghan Markle In Colombia 

Prince Harry and his wife visited Colombia and did the usual round of tours and visits. Along the way, they spent time at schools, interacting with kids. While a lot of people from the UK don’t like the couple, many people in the United States seem nicer about their existence. And certainly, the kids in Colombia didn’t look unhappy to see the former royals.

Of course, if you are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, visits to other countries nearly always involve speeches. Some body language experts told outlets like The Sun, that Harry looks ill at ease and full of anxiety when Meghan starts talking. However, that could also just be a way to grab a story.

Shouting Out Lilibet In Colombia 

Lilibet turned three years old this year, but Royal Family fans seldom see her or her big brother. The couple from Montecito, California seem very private and they don’t trot out their kids for photo opportunities. While many people respect their privacy, some conspiracy theorists are convinced that neither child really exists. Well, it is 2024, and bigger conspiracies get talked about all the time on social media. 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry seem to attract children - Fans Love it - Instagram
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry seem to attract children – Fans Love it – Instagram – Credits: Eric Charbonneu for Archewell. Courtesy of Vice President’s Office


Lilibet got a shoutout from her mom when Meghan and Prince Harry attended an  Afro-Colombian women’s event. According to Romper, she started off her speech in Spanish which seemed to impress the audience. Mostly, she talked about empowering women. Of course, she feels lucky that she grew up in a country where many women are empowered.  Talking about Lilibet, she threw it out there that her daughter will always have “a voice.”

The Ripple Effect of Empowerment

The outlet cited Meghan Markle as saying:

I was very fortunate at a very young age to feel as though my voice was being heard. And I think that is a luxury that a lot of young girls and women aren’t often afforded. Part of the role modeling that I certainly try to do as a mother is to encourage our daughter who, at 3, she has found her voice. And we’re so proud of that because that is how we…create the conditions in which there’s a ripple effect of young girls and young women…

What are your thoughts about influencers like Meghan Markle and Prince Harry giving their daughter Lilibet a voice? Do you agree that in time, her child might help to empower other women? Do you agree that young kids seem to be attracted to them? Shout out in the comments below and come back here often for all your news about the Royal Family. 


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