Fun Earth Day Crafts

Baby C and I love sitting outside and watching the birds, especially the hummingbirds fly around the peach tree in our backyard. We have a really big peach tree which is great for shade and delicious fruit! Last week, we bought Baby C a…

Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 22, 2013 is Earth Day! We are celebrated last week at our local Earth/Arbor Day Festival. It was our first time going and we had a great time! We picked up some free mulch, a free tree, ladybugs for our rose bushes and…

Keep Calm and Hug Your Kids

This week has definitely been a crazy week with everything going on in the news.  The people of Boston and Texas are in our thoughts and prayers and I hope that the healing can now begin. I’m not sure what motivates people to commit acts…

Introducing Tummy Time To Your Baby

The day after we brought Baby C home from the hospital we read through the discharge papers and it said to start tummy time as early as 2 weeks. I was hesitant because Baby C was so tiny but my husband said, "he'll be fine" and put Baby C…

Baby Food: Sweet Potato Adventures

This was my first time making baby food and there were some hiccups but overall it was a success.  After reading many books and talking to a lot of my friends, we decided to start with sweet potato. By the way, sweet potato is not the…

Bedtime Routines For Babies

I attended a @shespeaksup #PampersDryBaby Twitter Party on April 10 and it got me thinking about our bedtime routines. There were a lot of great tips but the ones that stuck out in my mind were:  be consistent with a bedtime routine; be…

Family Fun: Softball Sundays

Daddy plays on a co-ed softball league on Sundays so Baby C and I go and cheer him on. A majority of the players have babies between 5 months to 2 years old so it is fun for the kids to play together. I usually hang out with the kids or…

Labor Inducing Salad???

Labor Inducing salad…ever heard of it? Well, I saw it on a BabyCenter email and thought if I made it over 39 weeks I HAD to try it. I did and guess what…24 hours later my water broke and I went into labor!  But before all you overdue…

Teething? Or just Fussy?

Baby C’s not sick, no runny rose or cough…he’s fussy during the day, sleeping a lot more, drooling excessively and gnawing on everything. There was one day that he had a 99 degree temperature but overall its been about 98.8 degree. We can…