Easy Back To School Craft: Teacher Name Plate


The children are heading back to school and there is no better time to let their teacher know how much you appreciate their time!  Even after a nice summer break, teachers enjoy knowing that you think they are special. Every year, it’s nice to send in a little something just to say “thank you,” even at the start of the school year. I feel that teachers can be just as overwhelmed with their new students as the actual students; but a pat on the back can keep everything in check. 

This adorable name plate has one chalkboard side that allows the teacher to give short messages. This project is inexpensive and absolutely too cute for the fantastic teacher in your life! 
Using a scrap deck spindle or similar square excess board, saw to approximately 10 inches long. Angle the tip of the spindle to a point, then cut off the point. Lightly sand the entire spindle to remove any jagged edges or splinters. 
Paint the inside band with a brush, on 3 sides with yellow acrylic paint and allow to dry. This process took me three layers to create a nice bright yellow “pencil.” 

Once your yellow paint has dried, paint the entire tip and one side of the pencil with black chalkboard paint. Apply a second coat once the first layer has completely dried. Using a small tipped paint brush make small black triangles below the tip to give the appearance of being sharpened. 


After your chalkboard paint has dried, apply a metallic silver band of paint around the lower part of your pencil, following up with a final band of pink to simulate the eraser.  Be sure to allow the paint to dry between each step so that the colors do not run together. 
Now you are ready to add the name of your teacher!  If you feel more comfortable using stencils, you can utilize those for more accurate letters.  I tend to use free handing a little more than I should; however, making straight letters with dots at the points is forgiving when you have some slight flaws.  You can paint the letters on, or use a bright red Sharpie marker.  
Use chalk to add a little message on your chalkboard painted side. 


Your sweet nameplate is ready to deliver! You can add special touches to your final project by using stickers, painting on an apple or anything else that helps you to personalize your nameplate! Most of all, you will make someone’s day a little brighter; and that is a perfect lesson for your child!



 Don’t forget to check out Cele Baby Laundry’s other crafts and DIY projects

  1. Tiffany @DaydreamingRealist says

    That’s a really sweet gift. I love it. I like the idea of using chalk for the message, so it can be changed, too.

  2. Debra @A Frugal Friend says

    Such a cute teacher gift for any time of year – Christmas, end of year, birthday etc. I’m even thinking it would be great for kids first day of school!

  3. Michele says

    What a really nice gift to give to a teacher. You are truly creative!

  4. Uplifting Families says

    This is so cute. I might have to do something like this for my mother in law she is a kindergarten teacher. 😉

  5. Kero Pinkihan says

    love DIY posts like this. thank you for sharing and thank God it’s back to school!

  6. Elizabeth Towns says

    I love it. I won’t be able to get to wood anytime soon, but I have some odd shaped boxes that might do the trick. Our teacher gift was made for the female teacher my son was supposed to have this year. She is still his music and art teacher, but he got a male homeroom teacher at the last minute! We need a new gift idea. Ding Ding Ding Ding!

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