Gwyneth Paltrow’s New Bikini Line For Young Children Exploitative – YAY or NAY? (POLL)

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The celebrity, people love to hate Gwyneth Paltrow is in the line of fire again.  People are furious at her over new bikini line for young children she is promoting on her website GOOP.  The bikinis on her site are aimed at young girls and created by Melissa Odabash and are exclusively being sold by Gwyneth on her site. The two-piece ensembles are equipped with ruffles and are meant for the 4-9 year-olds who want to look just like mommy in their bikinis!  The suits retail for $45.

Child abuse groups are up in arms about the new line of bikinis and feel the bikinis are sexualizing young children. “We remain very opposed to the sexualisation of children and of childhood. The dangers have been discussed at length, so it is a great pity that such trends continue and that they carry celebrity endorsement.”

Celebrity Dirty Laundry points out that it could have more to do with the advertising campaign and less about the bikinis.  If the advertising campaign had several children frolicking, playing and swimming with beach balls at the beach or pool,  people might have not be angry at the suits.   Rather, the campaign decided to use a photo that  is inappropriate .

As a parent, keeping our children safe from predators is one of our main jobs,  it is our job to protect our children and to teach them how to dress appropriate.  I don’t know know about you, but I don’t want my young child wearing these suits or seeing this advertising campaign.  What do you think CBLers?  Yay or Nay?

  1. Jen says

    I can’t stand Gwyneth and no 5 yr old needs a Melissa Odabash-Goop bikini but at that age I used to run around on the beach in bikini bottoms with no top or an all-in-one suit and I didn’t know the difference (I’m European and it’s normal here). My issue is that kids should be wearing those UV blocking long sleeved suits and shorts on the beach with hats and cream. We know a lot more about the effects of sun damage than we did when I was a kid and it’s that we should be slating Gwyneth for, the suits are too skimpy and the kids wearing them might burn.

  2. Allie says

    I don’t like bikini’s on young girls =/

  3. jody overland says

    yesterday goop was grabbing random testicles on tv to sell cookbooks and today we see her pimping out a little girl – what a trashbag.

  4. Annemarie says

    I would never allow my grand daughter to wear that. There are so many people looking to prey on young children. That outfit is just wrong! Gwyn is disgusting!

  5. Pamela says

    Would let my daughter wear it.. why is a bikini sexual?

  6. […] Is Gwyneth Paltrow’s new bikini line for young children exploitative? – Celeb Baby Laundry […]

  7. greer says

    I think it’s exploitative to charge $45 for a child’s bathing suit.

    1. Robyn Good says

      Me too!

  8. CJ says

    I want my kids to look like kids while they’re little. They have plenty of time in their adult life to dress like an adult. In a sexual manner. It is perfectly acceptable if a grown woman chooses to dress like this at the beach or pool. But a little child? Each parent is free to make their own decisions but my kids would not be caught dead in this.

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