Postpartum: Milk Engorgement

Postpartum milk engorgement can be quite painful and frustrating. I just had a baby and I am speaking from first hand experience. I did not experience engorgement to this extent with my first child, so it was a new challenge for me. My…

Top 5 Pregnancy Myths

When I became pregnant I had all kinds of preconceptions of what you could or couldn't do. But as I did more and more research, I learned that a lot of those ideas were just myths, or paranoia. I have to admit, it is a scary adventure,…

Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy weight gain is always a tough topic. It is something every woman thinks about when they become pregnant, and it is something most women compare to other pregnant women.  Whether it be with a close girlfriend or sneaking on the…

Labor Dance (VIDEO!)

Here is another fun Friday pregnancy video! I am loving these! This woman, who is 38 weeks pregnant with twins, posted a youtube video trying to "dance" her babies out! The poor thing is desperate - she has had 16 days of contractions,…

Pregnancy Leg Cramps

The other day I woke up with the need to stretch my leg. It was uncontrollable. So I started stretching and it turned into the most wicked charlie horse I have ever had in my life! Seriously, my leg muscle still hurts! Well, apparently…