Jenivieve Elly
Jenivieve Elly is first and foremost a proud mama! She is the momma to an amazing 20 month old boy, and has another son on the way! She has been writing about all things celeb since 2007 and now is shifting her focus on to parenting.
She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Elementary Education. Her love of children blended with writing and socializing came to life, and she feels incredibly lucky to have such a job!
Aside from Celeb Baby Laundry, you can find her writing for various celeb sites, working social media magic or telling more of her mommy tales on her personal site,
Postpartum milk engorgement can be quite painful and frustrating. I just had a baby and I am speaking from first hand experience. I did not experience engorgement to this extent with my first child, so it was a new challenge for me.
Things To Do Before You Have A Baby
So you are about to pop, baby will be here soon! Go out and celebrate. Celebrate being you, and celebrate time with your partner before baby's arrival. Here is a list of things I am SO glad I did right before I had my baby! Enjoy a…
Things No One Told Me About Labor
There are bound to be things that no one told you about labor. Things that happen while you are having your baby. Or there may be things that words just cannot describe - like the amount of pain you will be in. I am about to have my…
Top 5 Pregnancy Myths
When I became pregnant I had all kinds of preconceptions of what you could or couldn't do. But as I did more and more research, I learned that a lot of those ideas were just myths, or paranoia. I have to admit, it is a scary adventure,…
Post Pregnancy Workouts and Dieting
Post pregnancy workouts are on my mind lately. I am a bridesmaid in my BFF's wedding in September, giving me a short three months of workouts and "dieting." I am stressed!
I am going to be breastfeeding so I will need a program that will…
Pregnancy Weight Gain
Pregnancy weight gain is always a tough topic. It is something every woman thinks about when they become pregnant, and it is something most women compare to other pregnant women. Whether it be with a close girlfriend or sneaking on the…
Jessica Simpson’s Funniest Pregnancy Quotes
Jessica Simpson is hilarious, I absolutely love her. And she has some of the funniest pregnancy quotes I have ever heard. Way too much info and some craziness that one would usually keep to themselves - or reserve for close family and…
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Have you used a chiropractor during pregnancy? I was recommended to one by my midwives, but I was filled with a zillion questions. Is it safe? What do they do? What are the benefits? Why use one?
Well, I have a breech baby!!! That is my…
Labor Dance (VIDEO!)
Here is another fun Friday pregnancy video! I am loving these! This woman, who is 38 weeks pregnant with twins, posted a youtube video trying to "dance" her babies out!
The poor thing is desperate - she has had 16 days of contractions,…
Pregnancy Leg Cramps
The other day I woke up with the need to stretch my leg. It was uncontrollable. So I started stretching and it turned into the most wicked charlie horse I have ever had in my life! Seriously, my leg muscle still hurts!
Well, apparently…
“I’m Pregnant and I Know It” Music Video
This is too cute. One of my friends posted it on Facebook today ad being this is the way I am feeling right about now, I thought it would be fun to share.
"I’m Pregnant and I Know It” is a super cute pregnancy parody done to the tune…
Pregnancy: Determining Your Due Date
When you become pregnant one of the first things you want to know is how to determine your due date. There are a few ways of doing so, and you don't even need to see your doctor right away.
There are several due date calculators…