What You as a Parent Should Do The Night Before The First Day of School

What You as a Parent Should Do The Night Before The First Day of School

Summer break is flying by for all of us which means Back to School time of the year will be here before you know it! If you are parent with kids in school you know this time of year can be pretty stressful with trying to get everything prepared for school, getting back on a school schedule, along with gathering all of the necessary supplies and clothing you need for back to school.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep: No one wants to be tired when you have to get up early for that first day of school! Make sure that both you and your kiddos are getting ready, winding down, and heading to bed at a decent hour so that you can be fully rested for that exciting first day.

Prep Ahead: I personally like to prep any and everything that I possibly can the night before the first day because boy, it can be a hectic one. I try to prep lunches ahead, choose and set out clothes for everyone the night before, and make sure everything for their backpacks are put in them and set out ready for grabbing and going to school.

Charge Your Cameras: If you’re anything like me, I LOVE taking pictures on the first day of school because it’s awesome to see how they grow from year to year or even from the beginning of the year to the end of the year but the worst thing is when you wake up to find that your camera battery is dying and you’re unable to get those pics. Make sure your camera is nice and charged and good to go for that special first day!

Talk to Your Kiddos: If your kids are having any type of first day jitters, be sure to talk to them about it and answer any questions they may have. This will just give them that extra reassurance that they need to make sure that they are confident when going to school and that they have a really great first day.

Check the Weather: If you live in a city where the weather has a mind of it’s own, be sure to check the weather report ahead of time and plan their outfits accordingly. You definitely don’t want to dress them one way and then have the weather not agreeing very well.

The first day of school is such an important day for both you and the littles ones. Be sure to prep, plan, and get rested for that special day. Make it a great one and be ready to make some memories with your little kiddos.

  1. Heather says

    I’ll be doing all of these things in a few weeks. My plan is to do lunches the night before this year.

  2. Paula Schuck says

    Oh yeah. Every year. I make sure I’m top of everything the night before the first day of school. That first day is a gauntlet!

  3. Liz Mays says

    This is definitely good advice. It’s good to be completely prepared and well-rested!

  4. Kelly Hutchinson says

    My kids start school on Monday, so these tips come at the perfect time. I would never have thought to charge my camera battery. Thanks for that one!

  5. Catherine Sargent says

    These are all great tips. I always took a lot of pictures when my son left for school and when he got home.

  6. Lisa Rios says

    Back to School is always going to make you so busy right after the summer. These are some simple yet great tips to make sure you are well prepared for the first day of the school as it is so important to start the best way you can!

  7. mary says

    It’s right around the corner for us. Going to be a crazy year with 4 kids in 3 different schools. Ack!

  8. Marielle Altenor says

    I’m so looking forward to back to school. We usually start a few weeks prior to get him in bed early so that it’s not a huge change come school time.

  9. Ann Bacciaglia says

    We always start about a week before school starts with our routine. It is so important for the kids to get back into the swing of things.

  10. Pam says

    Having your camera charged up is a great reminded because I know we have all been there before and miss a great shot because of no battery. I do remember for my kids that it was always tough the first night to get enough sleep but usually after that, they fell right into place.

  11. Melissa Vera says

    I used to do all things when my girls were younger but now not so much. Since they hit the teenage years, I am just happy to see them leave. LOL

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