Halle Berry In Cast Taking Nahla To School


Halle Berry In Cast & Nahla Aubry

Halle Berry was spotted taking her daughter Nahla Ariela Aubry to school on Friday. The Frankie and Alice starlet is sporting a fresh cast on her right leg, and was noticeably limping as she walked with Nahla. Her spirits didn’t seem to be affected by her condition, however.

Halle Berry started dating Quebecker super-model Daniel Aubry in 2005, but has since separated in April of 2010.

  • Halle Berry In Cast & Nahla Aubry
  • Halle Berry In Cast & Nahla Aubry
  • Halle Berry In Cast & Nahla Aubry
  • Halle Berry In Cast & Nahla Aubry
  • Halle Berry In Cast & Nahla Aubry
  1. JJ says

    Why don’t I ever see nahla wiv her dad more she is always wiv her mother is trying to look like the better parent or something?

    1. Daniel Babis says

      Either her mother is more involved(you usually see mothers with their daughters more often), either she is trying to ‘steal’ time from the daddy on purpose, or both. Or maybe it’s something else all together, I honestly can’t say for certain.

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