Sweet Home Sextuplets Mom Courtney Shares 27 Years Of Love

Courtney Waldrop

Sweet Home Sextuplets’ mom Courtney Waldrop and her husband Eric shared nine children. Of course, they didn’t expect that to happen when they married. After all, how many people get told that six kids are on the way after twins and a singleton? Well, it seems that they do not regret a moment of their life together. This week, Courtney recalled 27 years of love.

Sweet Home Sextuplets: Courtney & Eric Waldrop Have A Full Life

Courtney recently celebrated a birthday. As often happens in her posts on Instagram, fans were taken by the sheer amount of love and fun in her busy life. The older boys, Wales, Bridges, and Saylor sent their mom hand-made cards which were very special. Plus, the little kids all gathered around and gave her many gifts. Some of them, she already owned, but that didn’t make it any less special. They also gave her a home-treatment makeover. Later, Eric took her out for a special dinner.

Sweet Home Sextuplets fans knew that Eric was fairly quiet and he didn’t really seem like a flappable sort of guy. Probably, that’s just as well as the sextuplets often make a hectic time of their activities. He worked hard with his livestock and his landscaping company. Actually, he spent a lot of time with the older boys as well, coaching them in sports. He seemed like gold to those who saw an incredibly happy union. And in Courtney’s book, he definitely still is.

Sweet Home Sextuplets: 27 Years Of Love With Courtney & Eric Wladrop

On April 3, the former TLC star took to her Instagram account and shared more photos that there is room to show here. Can you recall the exact date that you met your life partner? Well, Courtney can. In her caption, she said, “TWENTY SEVEN years ago today…this boy right here asked me to be his girlfriend, and I THANK GOD everyday that I said Y•E•S!!” Then she added the hashtags, “#april3 #1996 #ouranniversary #weweresoyoung #andinlove.”

Sweet Home Sextuplets Mom Courtney Shares 27 Years Of Love
God’s Divine Nine / Instagram

Sweet Home Sextuplets fans got to see a lot of throwback photos of the couple when they were young. Then she showed many photos through the years as the kids grew older. And each one of them screamed out love. Actually, in an age where relationships are so easily dropped and disposed of, that continuity made her TLC fans feel very happy. In fact, 50K people hit the like button in just a few hours.

TLC Fans React In The Comments

One Sweet Home Sextuplets fan suggested, “that’s the sweetest thing I’ve seen today! Love all the oldies but goodies 😍😍. I’ve said a million times and I’ll say it y’all two need to be marriage counselors! Lol.”

Actually, that’s not a bad idea. After all, their many kids really made them stress out a bit when they were younger. And yet, their marriage survived and grew stronger.

Another fan wrote, “What a sweet love story ❤️ Oh, the stories you’ll be telling your grandchildren someday. God Bless you both & your precious family ❤️.”

Remember to check back with us often for more news and updates about the Waldrop family formerly on Sweet Home Sextuplets on TLC.

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