Mother Turns Naptime into Magical Dreamland Adventures


Queenie Liao created a nap time adventure  series that leaves us all wondering what babies dream about.

In her beautiful photographic series Wengenn in Wonderland (see vid and a selection of pictures below), the Chinese mother explores her sleeping son’s exploration into a world of fantasy, colour and imagination.

Impressively, the mother of three created the backdrops of Wengenn’s dreams with ordinary items found around the house.

This fairy-tale like world sees Wengenn float through the air to a castle in the sky, swing on a trapeze while an audience of animals watch on, get beamed up to a space ship and take his teddy bear out for a romantic dinner.

“Wengenn in Wonderland” features over 100 photographs of Wengenn’s sleepy adventures. The project is funny, adorable beautiful and creative. You can follow Wengenn’s adventures in the photos and video below. Enjoy!





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