Get Great Maternity Photographs

Penny Gray

Maternity photo shoots are a popular, fun and great way to capture some beautiful memories. Here are some professional tips to ensure great results.

Find a good photographer. Whether it’s your partner or a professional, make sure you feel comfortable. If it’s a professional, do your research and make sure you like their work.

7 months is a prime time to take pictures. You want to be big, but not too big, and your belly will get really round around this time. You want to be able to move around comfortably and not get too tired.

Style your backdrop and avoid clutter. Don’t use messy rooms and avoid cluttered spaces. Ironed white sheets on a wall provide a perfect backdrop, or head outside and take advantage of a calm setting.

Make the most of natural light. Stand in front of an open door or window. Avoid using a flash. The best times to be outside are early morning, or an hour or two before sunset.

Wear the right clothes. Something light and stretchy will show off the bump. Try to avoid “maternity” clothes and wear something that flatters your shape. Stay clear of patterns. Solid darks and neutrals are timeless. You want to be able to look back at these pics in 20 years from now and not be distracted by an overly stylised shot. If you’re brave enough, try a couple of shots with sheets draped around you.

Including siblings makes for a happy process. Try some silhouette shots and include some bare belly snaps as well. The key is to try lots of angles and poses.

Have fun and be creative! Straight shots may come out a little flat. Try some flattering poses from a higher angle too.

Finally, be sure to get online and get some inspiration.

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