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Book Review

5 Books to Help Young Readers

Reading is fun. Reading allows you to explore a world full of ideologies, opportunities, and imagination. Wouldn’t you want your kid to experience the same thing you are? I’m sure you would. Certainly, you have to start introducing…

Books to Teach Caring to Children

One important virtue to teach children from a young age is the ability to care about others. No one wants to raise a child that is selfish and lacks empathy towards others. Besides, setting a good example for your children everyday, you…

5 of the Best Books to Read with Toddlers

Reading to your toddler is a great way to engage with them and show them that you care. Of course, there are many modern-day distractions that can get in the way. From tablets to video games, there's a whole host of things that your…

The 10 Best Pregnancy Books

Reading the best pregnancy books on the market can help you through one of the most life-changing experiences. It’s important to become knowledgeable on pregnancy and childhood, to make the best decisions for you and your baby. Below are…

Do You Know How To Speak Dog?

Our family owns three Persian cats and to be honest for a long time I pegged most dogs as slobbery messes without much direction. Scientists recently discovered that dogs recognize their owner's face and read our expressions. They…