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Pregnancy Advice

Expecting Twins? Best Twin Parenting Books

Finding out I was pregnant with my second child was exciting. I did the typical mom thing and began to purchase any and everything baby-related. While I wasn’t a new mom, it was still exciting and I figured there were few more things I…

10 Pregnancy Myths – We Debunk Them

When I first got pregnant, there was one thing that I found time and time again. Basically, everyone I met wanted to tell me what I could and couldn't do while I was carrying my child. That's all very well and good except for the fact…

How to Get Breastmilk For Your Baby

We have all heard "Breast is best" but, what if we can't nurse or provide enough for out baby? What if you adopted or the mother of the child did not make it? Many families face this situation and find themselves wondering how to get…

DockATot Deluxe Lounger Review

The DockaTot Deluxe Lounger is not only a must have baby product for celeb moms, but everyday parents like you and me! My first encounter with the DockATot brand was at the ABC Expo in Las Vegas, while I was pregnant with my…

4moms High Chair Review

Most people would agree that having twins is a challenge. It's almost impossible to explain just how much harder twin babies are to singletons. Not just because they are twice the work, but they take up twice the space!…