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Surviving The Family Summer Barbecue

It's unavoidable. July is winding down and the enthusiasm for backyard bashes is still strong. Here are some tips to stay grill-happy this summer. Have it well-done. Pay extra care that meat is not undercooked to avoid the risks of…

Summer Cupcakes With Ava

This weekend I decided to make summer cupcakes with Ava. I am a great everyday cook, but not as experienced with pastry cooking. I have made every kind of meal under the moon in my prized Le Creuset dutch oven, but when it comes to…

Cake Mix Cookies

I wanted to share this super easy and delicious recipe. I got it from my friend who made these scrumptious treats for a BBQ last weekend. It was so yummy I ended up trying out the recipe the next day. I made mint chocolate chip chocolate…

Peach Cobbler Recipe

I love Spring! Warmer weather, sunny skies, and seasonal fruits! One of the best parts of Spring are the peaches. They begin to ripen on our tree and that means peach cobbler time! Last year, we had so many peaches I sliced then froze…

Baby Food: Avocado Adventures

Four days of sweet potato and we have now moved on to avocados. Luckily, no allergic reactions but by the third day, Baby C didn't really want to eat the sweet potatoes anymore. My husband and I tried them and they actually tasted like…

Baby Food: Sweet Potato Adventures

This was my first time making baby food and there were some hiccups but overall it was a success.  After reading many books and talking to a lot of my friends, we decided to start with sweet potato. By the way, sweet potato is not the…

Labor Inducing Salad???

Labor Inducing salad…ever heard of it? Well, I saw it on a BabyCenter email and thought if I made it over 39 weeks I HAD to try it. I did and guess what…24 hours later my water broke and I went into labor!  But before all you overdue…