Doc McStuffins Rakes In Over $500 Million In Sales: Set To Be Best Selling Toy-Line For Disney


Disney has struck serious gold with their Doc McStuffins toy-line which is based on an African-American character that fixes broken toys in her backyard playhouse clinic. The toy itself is absolutely adorable and it has already made the house of mouse for than $500 million in revenue. Why is Doc McStuffin so popular?  There are several reasons starting with the fact that it’s a multicultural doll that caters to a growing demographic. She is also loved by parents because Doc teaches kids about kindness and taking care of others which makes her instantly a great role model for small children.

“Right now there are more multicultural children being born under the age of 5,” said Lisa Williams, chief executive of World of EPI, the company behind Positively Perfect Dolls, a line of multicultural dolls sold at Walmart stores nationwide. “They are no longer the minority; they are actually the majority of children. The demand is there.”

Children’s characters often have super human abilities or exist in cool but unrealistic conditions that kids will never be able to relate to. While kids may not have a clinic in their yard they can take away valuable lessons from Doc and are able to imitate her lessons in their everyday lives. There is nothing better than watching your little one learn valuable lessons that they can carry with them throughout their lives. Are you a fan of using characters like Doc McStuffin as a fun way of learning or do you prefer to do the teaching yourself? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

  1. Jessica Peeling says

    I love the idea of this doll – I can see why they are making such a profit off of it. Would be a great Christmas present!

  2. Michelle F. says

    My daughter and so many other kids are obsessed with Doc McStuffins. I can see why they have sold so much.

  3. Kungphoo says

    We are not in the doll phase any longer so i had no idea about this doll.. I can see why it is popular though.

  4. Staci says

    This is such a cute toy. I wish this was around when I was young 😉

  5. Dawn says

    I love this. It’s about time for a doll that’s not white with blond hair. Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with that. I just think there are little girls of all colors, so there should be dolls of all colors.

  6. Shelley Zurek says

    What an inspirational character for children, that will surely break down barriers.

  7. FamiGami says

    Target had these toys at 50% clearance. We didn’t buy any because we had no idea who Doc mcStuffins is and neither do my daughters. I had no idea it was that popular!

  8. Rebecca Swenor says

    My little niece would so love to have this and it would be a great gift for her. Love this. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Mary says

    My daughter loves Doc McStuffins! I can see why they are making such a big profit!

  10. Heather says

    You know even my boys love Doc McStuffins even though its geared more toward girls, they have enjoyed watching the shows and its also been great to help me teach them how they should treat their toys.

  11. Kath Rivera says

    I’m sure my nieces would love to have this kind of toy. I’m not sure if we have this kind at Toys R Us. I’ll try to look for this next week when we go to the mall.

  12. Chrissy Mazzocchi says

    My 3 year old daughter has this and loves it!!! 🙂

  13. Alysia says

    I love this little toy! I hadn’t seen these before but I think it’ll make a great Christmas gift for my daughter!

  14. Natalie says

    my youngest daughter who is 3 just loves this show on tv and every time we past this toy in the store, she goes crazy for it.

  15. Rosey says

    It is very successful. I think the show is cute. I think the associated items for sale that go with it are cute too. 🙂

  16. Becka says

    My daughter was so obsessed with Doc and still likes her. I like the cartoon it’s very kid friendly and teaches good manners and treating people well.

  17. Ann Bacciaglia says

    My kids are too old for this toy but it sounds like a fun line. I can not believe that it has made over $500 million in sales!

  18. Jacqueline says

    I hate Barbies with a passion! The push for girls to be involved with math and science lately is so awesome! Smart girls rock!

  19. Rach says

    My kids used to love Doc McStuffins. They haven’t watched in forever, but now I want them to watch again.

  20. Christie says

    I had no idea she was that big! I’ve never even seen an episode!

  21. Haven’t been in the doll phase for a while… but come December my toddler will be old enough for this. One person checked off my Christmas list.

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