Karen Derrico Shares Daiten’s Heartfelt Air Collision Tribute

Daiten Derrico mom Karen Derrico - Doubling Down With The Derricos - TLC

Karen Derrico, the Doubling Down With The Derricos mom shared her daughter, Daiten’s tribute to the families of those who died in the helicopter collision with an airplane in Washington, D.C. Shels just 11 years old, and the quintuplet can relate to some of the very young victims. 

Daiten Is One Of 14 Kids

TLC fans are fascinated by the family with so many children. Darian, the oldest, at 18 was followed by Derrick, then Dallas and Denver, (Twins). Next, are Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, Daician, and Daiten, (Quints). Next, came surviving triplets, Diez and Door, followed by the youngest threesome, Dawsyn, DeAren, and Dyver. Of all those kids, it was Daiten who wanted to say something about the crash. 

Karen Derrico and her husband, Deon unfortunately got divorced which shocked fans. Obviously, that means some heartache for their kids. So, Daiten knows what pain feels like. Perhaps that motivated her to express her sadness about the lost children on the doomed flight last week. 

The Sweet Tribute

In her Instagram post, Karen Derrico wrote:

My little Daiten wanted to send her condolences to all the families of the mid air crash that took the lives of 67 people. Her heart is broken for everyone involved and with most of them young and a part of the @usfigureskating she wanted to let them know she praying for them all.

Daiten Derrico pays Tribute - Instagram
Daiten Derrico pays Tribute – Instagram


In the reel, the sweet TLC starlet spoke about sending her thoughts. She added:

I want to send my condolences to the family and friends of the victims. To my US figure skating team community, my heart is broken for…everybody. As an aspiring figure skater, it really breaks my heart. And, to everyone, I send my love, hugs, my prayers, and strength.

Fans Respond To the Kind Gesture

 Doubling Down With The Derricos fans loved the heartfelt message, and many of them detected genuine compassion in the young TLC star. Here are some of their reactions:

  • You are such an Angel. Such a beautiful and heartfelt message❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss sweetheart. We will continue to keep the families in our prayers.
  • What a beautiful angel she is very thoughtful. Karen you are doing such a wonderful job raising your children. God bless you.
  • I join you in praying for all those affected!! You are so beautiful, Daiten!
  • I just love how y’all raise your kids. We need more parenting like this in the world.

Do you agree that the 11-year-old did a beautiful thing? What did you feel when you heard about the United Airlines crash? Let us know in the comment below, and remember to come back here often for all your Doubling Down With The Derricos news and updates.

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