‘Sweet Home Sextuplets’ Courtney Waldrop Reveals Amazing Wildlife Encounter

Sweet Home Sextuplets Alums Eric and Courtney Waldrop - Instagram

Sweet Home Sextuplets alum, Courtney Waldrop shares photos and reels of her kids all the time. Even if it’s just a photo of her three little girls standing around, she’s sure to share something about her family on social media. But this weekend, the former TLC star shared an amazing encounter with wildlife, and even the little kids enjoyed it.  Read on to find out more.

Courtney Waldrop Gives Her Kids The Best Life

The kids recently all went back to school, and so did their mom, who took a job as a part-time teacher after so many years away from her beloved profession. The sextuplets repeat kindergarten, but the twins, Bridge and Wales, and big brother Saylor went up a grade. It’s not clear if the special wildlife encounter happened before school, or on the Labor weekend break. 

Courtney Waldrop certainly raised a bunch of active kids. They all play ball and they swim and run around the property in Alabama with so much energy. Of course, they help out with Eric Waldrop’s’ livestock, and they still exhaust their mom with their antics. And, the reel she posted on the weekend showed that they are extremely confident in the water. 

Sweet Home Sextuplets Kids Have An Adventure

When TLC fans saw the reel that went up on Instagram, many of them were astonished at what the family got up to. Many of them tried to guess where they were. However, that information wasn’t forthcoming. So, some of them guessed it might have been the Gulf. 

Sweet Home Sextuplets Kids Swim With Dolphins - Instagram
Sweet Home Sextuplets Kids Swim With Dolphins – Courtney Waldrop – Instagram


Courtney Waldrop shared a reel that showed all the kids, Saylor, Bridge, Wales, Layke, Blu, Tag, Rivers, Rayne, and Rawlings. They were out on the water on boats, and all around them were wild dolphins swimming and jumping out of the water. 

Swimming With Dolphins

There are certain places where humans are not allowed to swim with the dolphins, but the Sweet Home Sextuplets kids enjoyed their opportunity. To the astonishment of some viewers, even the little ones jumped off the boat and into the water with a lot of confidence.

In the caption, Courtney Waldrop  told her TLC fans:

This was definitely an unforgettable memory made!! Nothing like swimming in the ocean with the dolphins!!

The comments were full of appreciative comments. here are some reactions from TLC fans:

  • I’m so in love with your family. It’s so full of love and excitement. I’ve watched those babies grow up, such special children.
  • I can’t believe they weren’t scared!! lol I’d love to hear their reactions I can just hear Blu
  • Are they not afraid of ANYTHING??
  • What an adventure, one they will remember always!! ❤️
  • How awesome!!! Sooooooo cool!!! What a wonderful memory!!!! I love these videos!

What do you think of Courtney Waldrop taking her kids out so they could swim with wild dolphins in the ocean? Do you agree it must have been an amazing experience for them? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Sweet Home Sextuplets news, updates, and spoilers. 

SOURCE: Courtney Waldrop – Instagram

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