General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Who Helps Michael And Willow Break Protocol To Save Her Life?

General Hospital: Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen)

General Hospital (GH) spoilers hint someone with a rather big heart is going to go out on a limb to save Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) life by breaking hospital protocol and putting their career in jeopardy. Who could care about Willow’s life and her family’s well-being enough to go that far? General Hospital is full of caring people who would certainly go the extra mile to appease the Quartermaine family, but Willow isn’t the type to ask for handouts. That being said, her soon-to-be hubby, Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) is. Michael won’t hesitate to leverage his name, money, and family authority if he thinks it’ll save Willow’s life — and he won’t care who he compromises or which laws he breaks in the process.

General Hospital Spoilers — Terry Randolph Is Above Board

Rumor has it, Willow is going to collapse at her own wedding. She may be left comatose, with Michael by her bedside knowing he’s never likely to hear her voice or see her open her eyes again unless they can find Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) or another miracle donor ASAP. It will only dawn on Michael when Willow is incapacitated and laying nearly lifeless in a hospital bed that their son, Wiley Corinthos (Viron Weaver), could be a match as her donor. As it turns out, the hospital has some pretty hefty rules about allowing minors to be bone marrow donors. When Michael approaches Dr. Terry Randolph (Cassandra James) about it, how likely is it that she would bend the rules to suit Willow’s needs? The odds that Terry would jeopardize her career for Willow aren’t high.

General Hospital: Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton)

General Hospital Updates – Hamilton Finn Isn’t Likely

Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) isn’t likely to go out on that limb either. He’s already nearly lost his career before, and his personal life is in shambles right now. Risking it all for a woman he barely knows it’s in the cards for Finn. He has a daughter to think about and a father and brother who need him. Still, that doesn’t mean Finn won’t get swept up in someone else’s drama once again.

Elizabeth Baldwin May Find A New Coworker To Get Into Trouble With

Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) knows how to find drama like no other, and she is great at cementing herself in it, too. Elizabeth tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, and she hasn’t been feeling all that great about the kind of person she is lately — the type that holds pregnant women hostage and helps fugitives from justice who harmed her own son. In an effort to level the playing field for herself and perhaps boost her dopamine, will Elizabeth coax Finn into helping her harvest bone marrow from Wiley without hospital approval from Terry? This could get messy; stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead so you don’t miss it.

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