Celebrate Moms & Win Prizes During the #CMRLovesMoms Twitter Party

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There is nothing else in this world I would rather be than a mom! When I gave birth to my first child four years ago, I literally felt my heart expending when I laid eyes on her. She instantly became my world and seeing her smile became my new happiness. Motherhood isn’t all roses and flowers though. I recently gave birth to newborn twins and I can honestly say I didn’t know what exhaustion felt like before having three kids.  A moms work is truly never done! Still, I wouldn’t trade my life for anything else and sharing those special moments with my children makes all the hard work worth it in the end. 

With Mother’s Day around the corner, it’s a areerfect time for moms to celebrate motherhood and just how great they are at it! On Tuesday May 3, 2016 between 2-9pm EST, the Canadian Mother Resource throwing their second annual #CMRLovesMoms Twitter Party. The CMR & Celeb Baby Laundry will be talking all things Mom – sharing ways to pamper ourselves, fashion tips and tricks, and some awesome products to make life easier. Settle in with a hot cup of tea – or a glass of wine – and join the conversation! Best of all during the #CMRLovesMoms Twitter Party the CMR and Olivers Labels will be giving away over $500 in prizes. 

Twitter Party Details
Party Hashtag to follow: #CMRLovesMoms
Host: @the_cmr
To qualify for prizes you must RSVP below:

Eligibility: The contest is open to members of the public who, as of the date of entry (i) are residents of Canada (except residents of Quebec and Nunavut)
To learn more about the party visit the Canadian Mother Resource.  
You can also read all the rules and regulations of the party here

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