Kimberly Stewart and Daughter Delilah’s Market Day Stroll

 Kimberly Stewart At The Market With Her Daughter In LA

Kimberly Stewart and her daughter Delilah enjoyed a market day stroll in Los Angeles, California. The daughter of Rod Stewart turned single mom spent the day with her 4-year-old preschooler. The mom and daughter day was filled with a bit of retail therapy and a trip to the market. Kimberly totted her tot around while Delilah looked at their shopping list.

Related: Kimberly Stewart And Her Daughter Delilah Stop For A Healthy Juice Break (Photos)

Kimberly has made some amazing changes and adjust thanks to the arrival of her first child. The socialite used to be stranger to drama, often partying with circles that included trouble-magnet Paris Hilton. All of that changed for Stewart when Delilah was born. Kim told Hello!, “I had her at the right time. I got all the partying out of my system and I just wanted to be with her all the time. I’ve been a stay at home mother since she was born and I’ve loved every second.”

It’s truly amazing how much your children can capture your heart, and Kimberly experienced that with the birth of her first daughter with Benicio Del Toro. “When she arrived I just wanted to be with her, figure it out between us and be the best mom that I could be. She’s the greatest thing in my life. She’s sassy and has great manners – I really instilled that from a young age – so she’s always saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.”

Related: Kimberly Stewart: Pool Party With Delilah

Stewart further detailed her blended family noting her father loves to be part of the action. “Even I struggle to keep up. Dad is very involved and is also the peacemaker,” Kimberly explained. “Although sometimes he can be the s**t stirrer! He’ll sit back and watch something go off, then he’ll be like, ‘Oh now, what did I do? I just made Kim and Ruby fight.’ He’s got a very mischievous sense of humor.”

How fun! Delilah is such a cutie!

Images Via Fame/Flynet

  1. anonymous says

    She just wanted to be with her so she could cash in on her. Stop encouraging this 4 year long nightmare.

  2. Renee says

    Oscar nominations are next week. This is Kimberly Stewart using Benicio Del Toro’s child in an attempt to latch onto his press in the coming days. Celeb Baby Laundry, why are you buying into this? She’s been doing this with Delilah for 4 years. Don’t waste space on this nobody.

  3. Renee says

    And also, after about a hundred articles of “Delilah was conceived during a fling with Benicio Del Toro” Kimberly’s heart is now “captured after her experience with the birth of her first daughter.” It’s too late Kimbo. Your daughter will read what you had printed for years over and over again someday soon. This woman is trash. And so is Benicio for allowing this to continue.

  4. Team D says

    So in order to fix her own reputation, she decideds to slash Paris Hilton’s.

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