I’m Pregnant… Now What? Panorama Prenatal Test is Here to Help!


Finding out your pregnant is the greatest joy in life. A whole multitude of emotions go through your body as you realize you’re going to be a mommy. This feeling doesn’t get any less special each time you learn your pregnant either. I found out in August I’m expecting my second child and my reaction was just as joyous as the first time!

Being pregnant with my second child, I understand how overwhelming pregnancy can be once you fully realize your pregnant. It’s at the early stages of your first trimester when you have a million questions. Is the baby ok? What do I do now? What books should I buy? What sites can I trust?

With my first pregnancy, I probably bought a million books. I wanted to know everything I should prepare for because their was nothing more special to me than the little baby growing in my stomach. The thing is when you start reading all the information available a lot of it can become confusing. Some books say to do one thing and other’s say to do another. Their is not one agreed upon way to live while pregnant! 

Here is are some of my Pregnancy tips:

1. Buy a pregnancy planner: I did this with my first pregnancy and I have one again. The planner acts as a journal where you can document how you feel each day. It’s a great pregnancy keepsake and can be shown to your child one day. Depending on the pregnancy planner, there is an area where you can write down questions for your doctor and document what you discuss during each visit. You can also plan your registry, birth plan, baby names and more. 

2. Sleep: Many people say, “Oh, it’s just your first trimester, this is the easy part.”. That’s not exactly the case! I found my first trimester to be much harder than my second the first time and I believe it will be the same with this pregnancy too. Besides morning sickness, don’t underestimate how tired you will be in the first trimester! For the last month, I haven’t been able to lift a finger around the house. Don’t miss out on those naps calling your name! This is when a family member can be pick up some of the slack for you. 

3. Don’t Eat For Two: Give into your cravings, but don’t overeat because your pregnant. During my first pregnancy, I didn’t take this advice and I gained way too much weight. Shedding those pounds may seem far away now, but when it comes time to lose the weight you will regret eating badly.

4. Advice: For some reason, every person on the planet becomes an expert on baby-rearing when they see a pregnant woman. A lot of the time, the advice people give is good natured, but not always wanted. As your pregnancy progresses it can become irratating. Try to take the advice with a grain of salt!

5. You can’t plan everything, but you can be prepared!

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It’s easy to get caught with worry when your pregnant, so Panorama Prenatal Screen and Natera have made this, “I’m Pregnant, Now What” infographic. Their are some basic things you need to do and plan for in your first pregnancy and this early pregnancy checklist will help you do this.


Despite being pregnant for the second time, I still found myself being overwhelmed at my first prenatal appointment. Since my last pregnancy, prenatal screening has become much more common and many couples choose to do genetic testing now. I’m sure I’m not the only mama-to-be that gets confused about genetic testing. That’s why I started to do some research when I got back home from my first visit. I found out about Panorama prenatal screening, which is powered by Natera, a leader in non-invasive genetic screening.

Panorama is a DNA screening that offers parents-to-be a lot of important information at an early stage in pregnancy. With the prenatal screening you can find out the risks of having a baby with down syndrome and other specific chromosomal abnormalities. The highly accurate test is non-invasive and can be done as early as nine weeks into your pregnancy using a simple blood draw. Most importantly, the test poses no risk to your baby. 

I'm Pregnant... Now What? Panorama Prenatal Test is Here to Help!

One advantage of knowing about possible problems in advance is that it allows for better medical care and early intervention therapy. Not only can this help reduce developmental delays, but give your child a better chance at life.  

To learn more about chromosomal abnormalities visit the Panorama website. Their you can also learn if the test is right for you and your growing family. Be sure to check out Panorama’s Twitter and Facebook for up-to-date information.  

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

  1. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says

    Luckily I never had issues getting pregnant, but I am glad there is help out there for those who need it.

  2. Jeanette says

    These are tips that everyone should follow when pregnant. It helps first time mom’s know what to expect. I slept almost all of my first trimester myself, and by the third one I was ready to be done.

  3. Alli says

    Oh, that’s such a great infographic for first-time expectant moms. My kids are grown and I still remember how overwhelming being pregnant for the first time could be.

  4. Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says

    I wish this had been around when I was pregnant. I had to have the old school test, and it terrified me.

  5. Savannah Miller says

    I was 20 when I had my oldest and finding out I was pregnant was the best day of my life. I couldn’t wait to be a mommy and meet my little man.
    I love that Panorama is offering tests that can help out moms to be. Being pregnant is awesome, but all the worries that come with it can be overwhelming. It is great to have answers.

  6. Sandy KS says

    I am past the spider stage in life. However, I am happy to know and learn from your blog there are ways i can help my daughter. When she gets old enough to reach the pregnancy years.

  7. Sandy KS says

    I am past the spider stage in life. However, I am happy to know and learn from your blog there are ways i can help my daughter. When she gets old enough to reach the pregnancy years.

  8. Ronda Ogilvie says

    great infographic! I had the test done with my last pregnancy. best of luck with a healthy pregnancy and delivery with your second child!

  9. jo says

    As a mom of two, I find your post very helpful especially for new moms out there. Yes, only eat for two if you’re breastfeeding. LOL! If the prenatal screening is non-invasive go for it! 🙂

  10. Tyra says

    Great tips for expecting moms. So important to take care of yourself during pregnancy.

  11. Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly says

    I do not have kids nor am I planning to , but I will definitely share this with any expecting moms!

  12. Dogvills says

    What a great infographic. This is going to be very helpful to first time moms.

  13. Astrid says

    This is really interesting info. I’d heard of the non-invasive rpenatal test as it’s called in the Netherlands, but didn’t know much about it. I understand both sides of the prenatal screening debate. While you’re right that testing can help you prepare for early intervention, there’s a lot of pressure to abort fetuses found to have Down Syndrome and especially other trisomies (babies with trisomy 13 and 18 usually don’t survive the first year). I know people at high risk of getting a child with Down syndrome who still choose not to test because of this.

  14. lisa says

    These are great tips for new moms. I remember when I was pregnant with my first daughter, I napped as much as I could. I knew once she came, there would be little to no sleep for a while!

  15. Rosey says

    That’s a good infographic to share. I love to hear the happy ending when a couple has been trying to conceive and finally meet their goal. 🙂

  16. Ann Bacciaglia says

    These are great tips. i will have to share this with my friend that just found out she is expecting her first child.

  17. Alexandria Waning says

    Good tips. My first trimester was the worst one. I was just nauseous and my heightened sense of smell, made everything smell disgusting. I couldn’t even go in my kitchen. But after that, I felt better than ever.

  18. Bonnie @wemake7 says

    These are very important tips and I’m glad to see they have testing like this available. I was going to have an amniocentesis when I was pregnant with our last to see if he shared the same disorder as my hubby but decided not to do it because of the risks and waited until he was born to have the testing.

    1. Chubskulit Rose says

      During my second pregnancy, there was an abnormality to my tests and was advised to have amnio procedure but I did not go for it, glad I didn’t! It’s nice that there’s website like this now.

  19. Lynndee says

    So good to know about the Panorama website and that infographic is just awesome. That would be so helpful and informative for pregnant women.

  20. Jeanine says

    This is great! We are planning to try again for #7 so I will keep this in mind. My brain gets so scattered, this will be helpful!

  21. HilLesha says

    I have never heard of this type of testing before, but it sounds wonderful. By the way, congratulations on your pregnancy!

  22. vickylee says

    Congratulations! This is very informative and useful. Will keep this is mind as we’re now trying for another addition to the family, hoping to get a positive pregnancy tests soon! 🙂

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