The Best Back to School Books Every Young Child Needs

The Best Back to School Books Roundup

If you are sending your little one off to school for the first time this year or need to touch on special issues like bullying, new kid jitters, or more you will want to check out this list I have put together of back-to-school books. All eleven of the books are perfect for preparing children for school and cover a wide range of topics relevant to the big day!

1.The Kissing Hand –


This book has now become a classic for easing fears when sending new little ones off to school.

2.Too Much Glue 


A silly (but realistic) story about a boy who like many children love and use way too much glue!

3.The Day The Crayons Quit 


This hilarious book became one of our favorite’s when we discovered it. Each crayon writes a letter describing why they quit to a child.

4. Pete The Cat Rocking in My School Shoes –


If your child has not been introduced to the cool and always optimistic Pete the Cat this is the time to show them!

5. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books 


Remember the old lady who swallowed a fly? She is at it again, this time it’s all about school!

6. How Not to Start Third Grade 


This hilarious leveled reader is great for your child who is independantly reading.

7. How Full is Your Bucket


A great read that is a reminder to your child (and you) that each of us have buckets that are filled and emptied depending on how we treat others and how we are treated ourselves.

8. The Juice Box Bully –


A gentle look into bullying and a great way to introduce your child to what to do when confronted with or witnessing a bully in action.

9. How I Spent My Summer Vacation – 


This book takes a fun and imaginative look back at summer and what could have happened during break.

10. What if Everybody Did That 


This makes your child stop and think about the consequences if everyone showed  irresponsible behavior like littering and breaking other rules.

11. The Name Jar – 


A story about what it feels like to be the “ New Kid” at school, especially when you have an unusual name. Read it with your child and encourage them to be friendly to new kids, especially on their first day or to be friendly and outgoing to the others if it’s there first day.

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