Celebrate Furry Friends with Netflix and Treats You Can BOTH Eat

Mother and her sons on couch watching TV

We all love our animals. Pets of shapes and sizes can complete any home and help you teach your children about responsibility, compassion, and love. Cats, dogs, birds, and even pet fish make great companions and one of our favorite streaming services is celebrating four-legged friends this month. So cuddle up on the sofa and celebrate furry friends with Netflix and treats you can both eat!

Cats rule the roost in our home. Our feline friend loves to cuddle on the couch or chase her tail. She is always kicking our German Shepherd off of her pet bed, but they do love to play together! If you get a laser pointer involved, it is hysterical to watch them both chase the little red light.

But, nothing beats cuddling together with a good show. Netflix has a ton of pet-related programing suitable for all ages.

Pet Friendly Shows on Netflix - Young

For tinier tots try these fun shows:

1. Pet Party
2. Clifford’s Puppy Days
3. Littlest Pet Shop
4. The Adventures of Milo and Otis
5. Snow Buddies
6. Sabrina, The Animated Series

‘Curious George’ is another favorite. My 3 year-old loves her “Georgy Boy” mini-marathons. That monkey is a cuddly creature I grew up loving and, thanks to Netflix, I can share him with my kids.

Pet Friendly Shows on Netflix - Bigger Kids


For the bigger kids indulge in one of these family favorites:

1. The Adventures of Puss in Boots
2. Annie
3. Step Dogs
4. Jumanji
5. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
6. Air Bud
7. Monkey Trouble

The classic version of ‘Annie’ would be great to watch before watching the recent reboot. Also, ‘Air Bud’ is just one of the films featuring the sports-loving pooch.

Pet Friendly Shows on Netflix - Bigger Kids

For those older teens and adults alike, give these Netflix offerings a try:

1. Anchorman 2
2. Frasier
3. Family Guy
4. Friends
5. Red Dog
6. Wilfred

Eddie from ‘Frasier’ is one my personal favorite TV K-9s. I love the relationship he has with Marty and the jealousy he sparks from Frasier is incredibly amusing.

While you watch your pet-friendly programming, you have to have a snack! It’s always so tempting to share “people” food with pets, but it can be unhealthy for your begging pet. Resist the urge to share some popcorn and try this easy, homemade treat that both you and your puppy can eat.

Making Dog Biscuits

Homemade Pet-Friendly Peanut Butter Banana Cookies

2 cups coconut flour (avoid what flours as dogs can be allergic)
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup of all natural peanut butter (you can substitute with nut-free peanut butters for allergies)
3/4 cup water
1 ripe, squished banana
2 tablespoons honey
1 large egg

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix coconut flour and baking powder together.
3. In a separate bowl, mix peanut butter, water, banana, honey, and the egg.
4. When your wet ingredients have a smooth texture, fold them into the flour mix.
5. Roll the dough out onto a surface dusted with coconut flour. Use a cookie cutter to make fun shapes.
6. Bake for 18-20 minutes.

Let these treats cool before serving and make sure you store any leftovers in an airtight container. They are safe and healthy for the entire family. They’ll be a great addition to your Netflix movie night and your kids will love getting creative in the kitchen!

  1. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says

    We always have Netflix on in our house. We have lots of movie nights, etc.

  2. Heather says

    We haven’t seen any of those kids movies. We’ll put them on our list!

  3. Krystal says

    I have a friend that always gives her dogs treats when she watches movies. They all get on the couch together!

    1. Chrystal @ YUM eating says

      Thats so adorable! We do that sometimes as the dogs are my little furkids!

  4. Rena McDaniel says

    Wow that treat is awesome! I’ve thought of making the dog something like this before and didn’t even know it was possible!

  5. What do you avoid is it wheat or white flour? I just got a new pup and would love to make these for him. Looks like he would love them.

  6. Shaney Vijendranath says

    I love Netflix! It’s my “me time”. Hehe! My daughter and I watch curious George together. Will check out your recommendations.

  7. What a neat idea for my dog. I’d like to say I”ll make them but I wish I had the time to make them.

  8. Sarah Bailey says

    Ok I am going to have to look some of these up! I had no idea there was so many animal movies on there at the moment 🙂 x

  9. Courtney says

    If it wasn’t for sports we would get rid of cable because we watch Netflix whenever we feel like watching tv!!! Great movie choices 🙂

  10. Carmen Perez (listen2mama) says

    That’s a great treat for movie night. My daughter recently discovered Netflix, she’s addicted to Gilmore Girls!

  11. lisa says

    We have both dogs and cats, but we love all animal movies! And the recipe for dog treats sounds easy enough!

  12. coolchillmom says

    Hachi is a favorite here at our home. What a great list of furry movies to watch together, thanks

  13. Theresa says

    We always loved Puss in Boots! Those dog treats look good enough for me to eat! lol. My dogs would be ALL over them!

  14. Kori says

    I loved Curious George growing up. My youngest is taking a liking to him now.

  15. Pam says

    My dog would love these treats. My cats, on the other hand, would love watching animal shows on Netflix. Any time I try to watch a documentary about big cats, one of our cats gets up by the TV and starts meowing at them and trying to paw them!

  16. Liz Mays says

    My children and I used to love watching Jumanji. Robin Williams was such a good lead. Annie is on there too! Classic!

  17. Cherri Megasko says

    Oh my gosh! When I read “Clifford’s Puppy Days” it took me back to when my younger daughter was little (she’s 30 now). Her favorite books were the Clifford books. We would read them over and over again!

  18. Nina Say says

    My kids are always watching Sabrina and Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony. They really love all the furry friends on Netflix!

  19. Nicole says

    My kiddo just discovered Jumanji and loves it. Our go-to movie/ show lately has been Wild Kratts and Octonauts. He loves sea creatures of all kinds.

  20. connie says

    Those look like some great movies. I love the recipe for the dog bones.

  21. Amber NElson says

    Netflix is the best. Gotta love it because of so many choices.

  22. Olivia Schwab says

    This is a great post! I love how you shared a doggie recipe with us! I’m for sure passing this along to those with dogs (mine lives with my dad)! Watching animal movies were and always have been my favorite. My favorite as a kid was Homeward Bound! It’s a great animal story!

  23. Lois Alter Mark says

    I love any movie that has a dog in it! And my Newfy would have loved those cookies!

  24. Stefany says

    My kids love any movie with pets in it. The Buddies movies (with the dogs) are some of their favorites. Thankfully Netflix gives us plenty of options.

  25. Annie M says

    I loved watching Air Bud as a kid! Jumanji was another awesome movie 🙂

  26. Paige says

    Lots of great Netflix ideas for a furbaby themed night! My youngest dog turns one February 17th, maybe we’ll have a little birthday party for him! 😉

  27. Kelly Hutchinson says

    I think it is super cute to make treats for your pup. I love the Netflix programming so we can watch as a family.

  28. Tamika says

    Great tips and Thank you for sharing this recipe for doggie treats. My dog loves when I make her treats. I can’t wait to surprise her today.

  29. kendall says

    Very cool! What a great list of animal movies to watch with little ones!

  30. Chrystal @ YUM eating says

    I’ve made some doggie treats that were people friendly. I’ve also bought organic dog treats that are 100% human food. Our doggies are never without a fun treat and their nightly ‘cookie’

  31. Rosey says

    I agree it’d be great to see Annie the original before the new one. I’d like to get Netflix this year.

  32. Eliz Frank says

    We have a cat who rules the roost in our part of the world too. He loves to watch TV and sometimes, if we turn it off, he meows. I wonder if he would like any of these shows. Will check them out. Hahaha! 🙂

  33. Christina Aliperti says

    I love Netflix and anything with a dog in it is fine with me. I didn’t even realize they had Annie on Netflix. That was always a favorite movie of mine growing up.

  34. Tanya Coffman says

    We are a Netflix family too! I love all the family friendly movies they have, I just wish they would bring back the magic school bus 🙂 Those treats look great, I’m going to have to make a batch for my pup 🙂

  35. Fi NĂ­ NeachtĂĄin says

    Ooh you’ve just reminded me that I’ve been wanting to watch Annie again for ages now. Loving the look of those treats too!

  36. Rebecca Swenor says

    My dogs would love for me to make these cookies for them. I will have to make them the treats. Some of these Netflix movies we are going to have to watch indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  37. Debi says

    I wan to make treats for my puppy!> I think I want to do this one afternoon with the kids while we watch Milo and Otis

  38. Rachelle J says

    Oh Netflix is one of my favorite things. I don’t have any doggies to snuggle up with and watch TV with but I do have 4 cats to share it with!

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