5 Tips For New Moms. Make Remembering The Happy Times Easier!
I remember how much I worried about becoming a mom while I was pregnant with my daughter, Ava in 2010/11. Believe me when I say, first time parents tend to stress much more than they need to! The fear of the unknown is definitely a cause of this. To alleviate this fear I have created 5 new mom tips I wish someone shared with me at the time:
1. Parenting is a continual learning and growing process – Despite, being a mom to a 3-year-old I still feel like a beginner. Some days (like a LOT of moms) I feel like I’m do everything wrong! This doubt is only natural when you care so much for the little one in your life. As your experience grows your confidence in your abilities and judgments as a parent will grow.
2. Don’t Sweat the small stuff – First time parents often get caught up in the little things that don’t really matter in the long run. No parent is perfect. Yes, your child might end of up licking the ground while you’re not looking! It’s a part of growing! Try to relax if the baby gets dirty and most of all the house 😉
3. Cherish the moment – The first three months with your baby are undeniably special. Take the time to bond as much as possible with your little bundle of joy. Cherish the little things, like how your newborn sleeps in cutest positions, those cute yawns and more. To celebrate those happy times I created a collage of some of the pictures on a French board (seen above).
4. Make Time For Your Spouse – Yes, your baby will take over your world for those first weeks, but take time spend some quality time with your significant other. Put the little one in his/her bassinet to sleep and enjoy a romantic movie with one another. It’s also OKAY to leave the baby with it’s grandparents for an hour or two! Mommy and daddy still need alone time!
5. Don’t be scared to ask for help / advice – It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. The first few weeks after birth your hormones are out of whack and you will be suffering from a lack of sleep. Lean on family and friends who will be more than happy to help out.
Ask for advice when unsure. For example, did you know 1 in 5 babies develop colic in their first three months? Many new parent don’t realize that their baby is constantly crying because s/he is suffering from colic! I had no clue that Colic is a temporary digestive issue caused by the inability to digest lactose, which is in breast milk or formula. Colic usually begins about two weeks after birth and subsides by three or four months of age. While the baby is experiencing colic, it can disrupt the entire family.
More likely than not you will know one parent that has had a baby with colic. They may suggest giving your baby Colief Infant Drops, the only dietary supplement containing the enzyme lactase, which eases digestion, thereby reducing the lengthy bouts of fussiness and crying that are associated with colic. It’s clinically-studied to help ease digestion.
Colief wants new parents to know there is help for babies with colic-like digestive issues. The company created The ABC’s of Colic: Answers to Baby Colic and Digestion from Colief, which provides tips for knowing how to identify digestive issue-related colic. Their goal is help make remembering the happy times easier for parents!
Fortunately, Ava never suffered from colic, but I made sure to have Colief Infant Drops on my registry list when expecting. I wanted to be able to bond as much as possible with my baby! Colief Infant Drops are available in Duane Reade, HEB, Walgreens, and online for a suggested retail price of $14.99
Be sure to enter the Colief Pack ‘n Go Giveaway on Facebook for a chance to win a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag in the color of their choice and a $25 Walgreens gift card and $4 in Colief savings. One winner (five winners total) will be chosen and announced around 12:30 P.M. EST each week on Thursday, July 31st, August 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th. Entries will be accepted till 12pm EST August 28th.
Visit the Colief Infant Drops website for more information and tips for new moms.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Colief®. The opinions and text are all mine.