How to Deal With Pregnancy Fatigue


Pregnancy is hard work. In the first trimmest, a huge amount of energy goes into building a life-support system for your baby. Following a period of renewed energy, sleep becomes elusive in the third trimester as your growing fetus puts more demands on your changing body. 

So, what can you do to cope? 

Listent to your body. Go to bed earlier. Make a habit of taking a nap. Rest as needed. Above all, pace yourself and prioritise – you can’t do it all, nor should you try. That’s right, fold those towels later, leave the dishes for someone else. 

Eat right and eat often. You should be consuming 300 (healthy) extra calories a day and eating a well balanced diet. That’s right, the same old record is still playing – fruits, veggies, protein and essential fats. Keep your blood sugar on an even level to stabilise your energy. Don’t skip meals and snack. 

Hydrate. Cut back on caffeine and drink lots of water. But cut out liquids a couple of hours before bed, to prevent additional bathroom breaks from interrupting your sleep. 

Adjust your schedule. This means cutting out any unnecessary social commitments and reorganising household responsibilities. If you are stretching yourself too thin, reduce stress by realistically reassessing your obligations. 

Move! That’s right – exercise will make you feel energised and sleep better. It’s a cycle, and the benefits are huge – just don’t overdue it. A brisk walk is enough to get those endorphins pumping and give you a more restful sleep. 

Wait it out. To some degree, you will just have to hang in there. Your body is making some pretty amazing changes, and it ain’t easy. Get through it by looking ahead and getting excited. Try planning a weekend getaway or organising the baby room. 

Be smart. If your fatigue persists, lasts too long or causes you to feel dizzy, to faint or to feel extremely weak – go see your dr. immediately. 

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