Life According to Me, At 37 Weeks Pregnant

My Baby Shower Cake
My Baby Shower Cake!

I am officially considered full term!  Wohooo! My little baby can pop out any time now and she would be fine!  Many women try to bring on labor through natural induction methods at this point. I think I will try some things, but I think the baby will come when she is ready.  I don’t know if I really buy into all the ‘myths’.

Saturday, my wonderful family threw me a baby shower. I was so surprised! They made me think that we were only celebrating my grandmother’s birthday, but it ended up being a joint celebration. I received so many nice things. My little girl really is spoiled!

I’m super tired of being pregnant. I know I feel like I say that every week!

It’s hard to get around and people annoy me!  My pregnant mama attitude comes out very fast.  I’m also sick and tired of people staring at me.  My husband laughs at how obvious people are.  I already feel like an elephant! UGH!

Tomorrow, I have a doctor’s appointment.  If any big news comes out of the meeting I will update my Celeb Baby Laundry readers.

Thanks for all the support,



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