Family Fun: A Trip To The Monterey Bay Aquarium Day 3

Family Fun: A Trip To The Monterey Bay Aquarium Day 3

So sad but this is the final Monterey Bay Aquarium post (until we visit again!)…I loved reliving the beautiful creatures and animals while writing this three part post. So thank you readers for following along!

We were also excited to see the sea otter exhibit that just reopened a few weeks before we visited. It was fun to watch them twist, turn and dive below. The enclosure has a lot of toys and balls for the otters to play with. They weren’t playing with them at the time but I just checked the live web cam and they are rolling around and playing pink and blue mats. We were even fortunate to see some of them in the wild swimming in the bay. In case any of you are interested, here’s a link to the live sea otter web cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium:

The only thing sillier than sea otters rolling and playing are waddling penguins. The penguins were pretty cool and if you have the time, they have two feedings throughout the day that you should take your family to see. It was great to watch the penguins interact with the aquarium staff. They are so funny – I love the way they waddle. Baby C liked watching them splish and splash in the water.

Baby C was too young but mommy and daddy got to touch starfish, sea cucumbers, and bat rays. When Baby C gets older, I think he will have a blast touching these amazing creatures. There were so many activities for kids and adults to enjoy from the kelp forest, ocean sea feeding, jellies experience, seahorse exhibit, and just relaxing outside taking in the view of the bay.

Again, I can’t stress enough…if you are looking for a fun and educational adventure for your family, the Monterey Aquarium is the place to go! You won’t be disappointed but make sure you spend at least a couple of days there. There is fun for the whole family and if you have time take a drive down the 1! It’s breathtaking!

We’ll miss you Monterey! Until next time!

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