’90 Day Fiance’ Star Annie Suwan Finally Flaunts A Baby Bump

Annie Suwan, David Towborowsky - ET - YouTube

90 Day Fiance star Annie Suwan is so excited about expecting her first baby, that TLC fans can’t help but smile at her. This week, she flaunted her baby bump and she seemed so excited, that her social media followers had to respond to her cute reel. 

Annie Suwan Is So Loved For Her Sweet Personality

Why did an overweight guy with so few prospects become a fan-favorite on TLC? Well, it seems that Annie’s infectious joy, humor, and sheer love for life rubbed off on David Toborowsky. Together, the besotted couple has many fans. In fact, between them, they add up to millions. And, now that they expect their first baby, their popularity notched up with great speed. 

Annie Suwan is slim, and really, until now, 90 Day Fiance fans had to peep at the right angle to see any baby bump. While she assured TLC followers that she had one, some skeptics even wondered if she did fall pregnant. 

David Toborowsky Talks About Life As Baby Bump Is Flaunted 

On Thursday morning, bright and early, the pregnant 90 Day Fiance star burst out of her room, calling out sweetly, “Good morning.” So, her husband, David Toborowsky asked her where she was going. Silly question, it seems as she said she was going “to the temple.” She wore silvery elasticized long pants and a white shirt.

90 Day Fiance Star Annie Suwan Reveals Her Baby Bump - Instagram
90 Day Fiance Star Annie Suwan Reveals Her Baby Bump – Instagram


As Annie Suwan chatted away about her various options to dress in, David chuckled, “This is my life.” He also said, “I spy a little baby bump.” And Annie agreed that it wasn’t “food” in her tummy. Additionally, the 90 Day Fiance star’s text overlay confirmed that she is now “15 weeks” along. 

TLC Fans Comment On The Cutest Baby Bump

Annie didn’t just show her fans and skeptics that she now flaunts a baby bump. In fact, the TLC star’s happy smiles also made her followers comment on her well-being and her pregnancy glow. Here are some of their reactions:

  • You look beautiful! Pregnancy glow looks great on you ❤️
  • You look fantastic ❤️❤️ what a glow coming from you. Sweet little baby bump. ❤️
  • Your are glowing!!! ❤️
  • Beautiful!! So love her always happy personality. She’s a ray of sunshine always. I want to be invited over for her cooking. Thai is my favorite food ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
  • You are glowing Annie! You look wonderful and happy and filled with so much joy! ❤️
  • Ahh look at the lil bump. So happy for you guys

What do you think of Annie Suwan finally being able to flaunt her baby bump? Do you agree that she’s just too cute, and the bump looks delightful? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here often for all your 90 Day Fiance baby bump stories

SOURCE: Instagram.

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