Tips For Comforting a Sick Baby

Tips For Comforting a Sick Baby

No one likes to see their baby sick. It tugs at our heart strings to see sad little feverish eyes look up at us. The good news is you can help keep your baby comfortable while battling a cold or flu. Here are some simple tricks to help comfort a sick baby. 

The basics to comforting a sick baby.

Keep noses clear. Great devices like the nose freita make keeping baby noses clear easy and clean up way better than those bulb syringes.

Control fevers. A fever helps your baby fight off viruses but when they begin to make your baby uncomfortable then you want to keep it under control so your baby can sleep. A cool cloth is a great way to cool a fever and help your baby feel better. If this does not help call your pediatrician for their recommendation on how to handle the fever.

Keep your baby hydrated. Young babies should not be given things like water or juice to keep hydrated. Extra nursing will do the trick. Keep an eye out for dehydration. If your baby starts to have less wet diapers than normal give your doctor a quick call. For older babies, they will often recommend Pedialyte.

Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles. When your baby is not feeling well she is more likely to want to be close to you. This is normal. Give baby plenty of loving cuddles and comfort. When you need to get up and get things done a baby carrier is just perfect for keeping your baby comfortable while you have hands to get things done.

More ways to comfort your sick baby

Warm showers can help loosen congestion. Sit in the shower holding baby without the water hitting baby directly to allow the steam to help clear sinuses.

Skin to skin contact is amazing for comforting baby. Remove your shirt and put the baby in only a diaper to allow for skin to skin contact while you cuddle or wear baby in a sling.

White noise or soft music can help your baby relax and fall asleep. Sleep is great for healing and will help make your baby feel better sooner. Rock your baby while playing soothing music to help him fall asleep.

Diffuse lavender in your baby’s room. Lavender is proven to help babies fall asleep and sleep longer. It is also great for killing off germs and bacteria helping your child fight off illness all that much easier.

Remember that if you are worried a simple call your pediatrician can help put your mind at ease and get an appointment for treatment if needed. Soon your baby will bounce back and be their normal healthy, happy, selves and that should make any mom happy.

  1. ANNE says

    Don’t be afraid of multiple doctor visits is one thing I’d advise. I’d take my kids several times to a doctor during an illness if I had any worries about possible pneumonia or too much coughing or anything else. I’d rather go to the Pediatrician too many times than not enough if my baby was ill. Also, I stayed away from crowds of people and grade school children so they couldn’t pass on illnesses to my infants. I wasn’t one of those parents who dolls up their tiny baby and drags them all over a Mall or other crowded place.
    Regarding the shower advice you wrote – that’s correct but not if it turns out to be pneumonia. Your lungs feel worse in a moist room like when a shower is running so if you aren’t sure if the child had pneumonia or not, don’t use a moist environment. And when at a doctors office make sure the doctor spends enough time listening to the child’s lungs thoroughly, and if not then speak up {nothing too quick}. I forgot {my kids are grown} at what age you can use Tylenol for a fever but don;t be afraid to use Tylenol if the doctor says it’s OK. It controls fever.

  2. Neely Moldovan says

    Im having a baby in February so these are super helpful tips for eme to bookmark and look back on. Thanks!

  3. Michele says

    These sound like great tips for trying to comfort a sick infant. Of course your pediatrician is always the best resource.

  4. Alicia says

    These are great tips. I have 3 kids and expecting my 4th. These are great tips!

  5. maria @ close to home says

    There is nothing more heart breaking than a sick baby taht can’t tell you what is wrong.

  6. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says

    I can offer two tips. Find a pediatrician you trust. And trust your gut. These two tips work hand in hand.

  7. Carrie says

    These are great tips. My baby (although she isn’t a baby anymore, she is 2.5) isn’t feeling very good right now and it is so hard because there is so little I can do.

  8. Hey Sharonoox says

    There’s nothing worst than a sick baby! This brings back memory when my boy was sick. I’ve been there and I know it’s heartbreaking. Thanks for the great tips! Calling a pediatrician is the best way to do.

  9. Mardene Carr says

    If you are a new mother; or future new mother, I urge you to pay attention to these tips. LOL…trust me, you are going to need them

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