Alec And Hilaria Baldwin’s Babies, Rafe And Carmen, Are Ready For A Stroll

Alec And Hilaria Baldwin's Babies, Rafe And Carmen, Are Ready For A StrollAlec Baldwin and his pregnant wife Hilaria are going to be meeting baby number three very soon, and welcoming their little one in to the family.  But, despite her burgeoning baby bump, Hilaria is not letting her pregnancy slow her down.  The mom of two (soon to be three) has been on the go all summer, with Rafe and Carmen in tow.  Luckily she has an awesome stroller that holds both children, and makes her life as a mom a wee bit easier.  

Spain native Hilaria Baldwin married her hubby Alec in 2012, and since then they have been adding to their family rather quickly.  Carmen Gabriela Baldwin is now 3 years old, and was born in 2013.  Then, her baby brother Rafael Thomas Baldwin (aka Rafe) was born in 2015.  Now, Hilaria is pregnant with baby number three!

Of course, being pregnant and having a baby and a toddler to raise can’t be easy on any mom, regardless of how famous you are.  Hilaria revealed one of her mom tricks on Instagram today when she posted an adorable photo of Carmen and Rafe strapped in to a baby stroller for two!

Hilaria Baldwin captioned the photo, “We are at that stage where they both rebel and arch their backs when being put in a stroller…but this one they LOVE to go in because they ride together.”

Carmen is 3 years old, and it’s not unusual for 3 year olds to want to walk on their own, luckily she is more than happy to ride in the stroller if her baby brother joins her!  Now, Hilaria just has to find a comfortable stroller that will hold three little ones!

Photo Credit: Instagram


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