The Hand Diet – Healthy Family Portions for Everyone Made SUPER Easy

The Hand Diet - Healthy Family Portions for Everyone Made SUPER Easy

This “handy” trick can help anyone control their eating habits. The Hand Diet is literally, and simply, a rule of thumb for managing how much you eat. The hands-on rule will help you control healthy family portions for everyone and make healthy eating simple.

Related: Making Your Own Babyfood

Portion control is a struggle in our home. My girls want to eat like birds, and my son wants to inhale an entire pizza. I’m equally as guilty; scarfing down obscene amounts of delicious Bagel Bites in shameful portions. Measuring out how much each of your family members needs to maintain a healthy diet isn’t as challenging as you might thin. The size of the portion best for you is all in your hand. It’s like magic. (Not on Harry Potter levels, but you get the point.)

Palm – Using the size of your palm is a great way to measure out the amount of meat, fish, or poultry you should be eating per meal.

Fingertip – The fingertip is about the amount of butter you should be spreading on your toast or bagel.

Thumb – This is the amount of peanut butter you should use for a sandwich, dressing for your salad, and sour cream for your baked potato or burrito.

Fist – Your fist should be the same size of your portion of ice cream, salad, or pasta.

Related: Tips for Getting Your Child to Eat Healthy

The best part of the Hand Diet is that it applies to the specific hand of the eater. So, if you are unsure of how much your child should be eating…the answer is their little hand.

  1. Robin Masshole mommy says

    That is a great idea! I’m going to try this.

  2. Ourfamilyworld says

    These are great tips. It will be easier to measure the portion sizes this way.

  3. Sarah Bailey says

    What an easy way to remember portion sizes, thank you so much for this.

  4. Pam says

    Portion control can be so confusing. Thanks for simplifying it for us like this.

  5. Carmen Perez (listen2mama) says

    Very interesting, I had never heard of using these guides for measuring portions.

  6. Jeanine says

    Oh this is very interesting. I had no idea that there was a guide like this but it seems interesting enough and like the sizes would be great. I’ll be following this!

  7. I use the hand method and have for years when measuring my food. It always works.

  8. Mama to 5 BLessings says

    What a great post. This is something I am trying to work on with my family right now. We have fallen into the bad habit to eat everything on our plate even if we are not hungry.

  9. Rosey says

    What a great guide to measure. This is the kind of thing that sticks in your head too, once you’ve used it.

  10. Lisa Rios says

    Looks like a great idea & these are some great tips to take a note as portion control can be so confusing at times. This is such a great guide to measure which easily works for anyone.

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