Parenting through the ABC’s- Learn, Laugh, Love Your Way Through Parenthood

children-parentParenthood doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but with a lot of help from the ABC’s of parenting you’ll survive. The L’s of parenting are simple: learn everyday, laugh everyday, and love everyday.

From the time you hold your newborn until you die you never stop being a parent. Because parenthood is not an easy job, you need to practice the L’s of parenting. Learning, laughing, and loving help you sharpen your skills.

You’re not born with parenting skills. Parenting has to be learned. In most situations you learn as you go and grow as you learn. With your first child, you probably read every parenting book, take advice from family or friends, but you can’t really parent unless you learn from your own mistakes.

Learning how to parent isn’t just for first time parents. All parents make mistakes, but it’s okay. Parenthood is all about learning. There are three aspects in the learning process every parent should know.

Learn the best advice won’t come from a book or another parent. You have to learn to listen to yourself and your child.

Learn you will make mistakes. It’s okay to make parenting mistakes. You will learn from them and grow into a better parent.

Learn parenting isn’t easy. Being a parent is a hard job. You will be stressed, worn out, and feel defeated. If you learn early in the parenthood game life with kids isn’t a picnic, you will learn to handle any situation big or small.

Laughter is another wonderful key to parenting you’ll need in order to keep your sanity. As a parent you can’t sweat the small stuff. Kids will try your patience, but if you can laugh at the small challenges, then you can get through anything.

Laughter is the best parenting medicine. It’s always better to laugh than cry. It’s better to laugh than be stressed out.

Love is what makes you a parent. Your kids depend on you, look up to you, and want your love. Without unconditional love, you can’t be an objective parent.

Love isn’t a skill, it’s an emotional bond that ties you to your child. The joy a child brings into your life creates that parental love you need to become a great parent.

Whether you’re a first time parent or a seasoned veteran, you never stop learning from mistakes, laughing at the small stuff, and loving your child.

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