40 Weeks & A Mirror: Woman captures pregnancy changes in beautiful photo series


Photographer, Sophie Starzenski has captured the attention of women around the globe with her intimate photo series “Proyecto Pyokko.” The project, which she describes as simply “40 weeks and a mirror”  documents her own growing bump and combines the popular selfie and trendy pregnancy progression portrait.

The 28 year old from Buenos Aires displayed her changing body  beginning in week 4  and then in week 15, 20 , 25 , 29 , 33 , 37 , 40 and finally with her two month old son, Simon (otherwise known by his nickname – Pyokko). She wanted to demonstrate the beautiful progression of pregnancy from beginning to end.

Proyecto Pyokko reflects the wave of modern women celebrating their bodies and the amazing process of pregnancy. Sophie symbolically hides her face with the camera and the pictures embody that of every woman. The impact is pretty cool.

The series has been positively received in France, Italy, the UK, North America and beyond.

1 Comment
  1. Emily says

    This looks really neat!

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