Strider Balance Bike: Life’s More Fun on Two Wheels #HolidayGiftGuide #Review
Learning how to ride a bike is the biggest achievement a child acomplishes at a young age. It’s not an easy accomplishment either. I remember the mixed feeling I had from the anxiety of not wanting to part with my training wheels to the fear of falling down, I was petrified of failing. That’s why I was excited to learn about Strider, a company that has developed an innovative balance bike that eliminates the fear of learning to ride a bike.
Strider Bikes helps children as young as 18 months old learn the basics of riding a bike. Also know as a ‘balance bike’, children learn the fundamentals of balancing, leaning, and steering, without the distractions and complications of pedals or training wheels. This unique design teaches young children to balance on two wheels right from the start which helps avoid developmental delays that are typical of tricycles and training-wheel bikes.
The ST4 edition of the Strider Bike is designed for children between the ages of 18 months to 5 years of age. It comes in a variety of colors and has a motocross bike design. The designers kept girls in mind too and designed a ST4 in bright pink!
Upon opening the Strider Bike package, I was surprised to find out how easy it was to put together. My hubby and I are not exactly the fix-it or put-it together type of people, so it was definitely a relief to be able to put together the bike without any tools. Assembly took me about 10 minutes with a toddler running around excitedly.
Adjusting the bike after assembly is easy too. The seat moves up and down with a simple lever which allows the bike to grow with your child. The same goes for the handle bar.
The next day, my husband and I took the bike out so Ava could put it to the test. She was immediately curious to find out what ‘this new thing’ exactly did. I told her it was bike and that she had to sit on the seat which she did right away with my help. I was taken aback by Ava’s willingness because she is a definite contemplator. She tends not to jump into anything without feeling completely comfortable first. Once sitting on the seats, she realized that she would have to walk and hold the bike up at the same time to move forward. In essence, having to do this teaches her how to balance.
Weighing only 6.7 pounds, the Strider Balance Bike is also designed to be super light for ease of handling by young riders. The handle bar adjusted to a perfect height for Ava and she had no problems picking up the bike. In fact, she actually enjoyed carrying the bike around the front of our house for the first time.
To note, as Ava tested the bike out she became more cautious and wasn’t comfortable to walk that far. Like any new thing she will take time to feel fully comfortable, but once she does I have a feeling she will be hard to stop! I see her cruising around our park all next summer.
As a parent, I’m more confident with Ava using a balance bike to help teach her how to ride a bike. She can learn how to balance slowly and will not have to jump head first into riding a bike.
The Strider Balance Bike is a perfect gift for parents with toddlers who want to explore the world. The bike helps young children learn the fundamentals of riding a bike at a young age, but in a safe manner. At the moment, the ST4 bikes are priced at $109.00.
Visit Strider Bikes to learn more about their other type of balance bikes.
Disclaimer: Celeb Baby Laundry has not received any payment as a result of this review. We were sent the product for the purposes of review. All products featured must meet Celeb Baby Laundry’s Holiday Gift Guide standards. All opinions are our own.
I certainly wish they had that around when I was young–I never did learn to ride a bike and to this day I have no balance to speak of–I am sure that the more she uses it the more comfortable she will become–it is good to be a little cautious!!
Yup, that is pretty genius! If only I had that as a kiddo to learn to balance & not be afraid of falling on my face 😛
First ever hearing about such bike, I checked out their site and it looks like you can even ride it on skies in the snow !! that’s pretty awesome.
My Grandson just got a balance bike and he loves it. He brought it to our Thanksgiving celebration and played with it in the gym.
I have never heard of this bike! I may look into it for my youngest. How neat!
What an awesome way for little ones to learn to ride a bike!!
What a great idea!!! My granddaughter would love this bike 🙂
I really have been looking at these for my 2yr old daughter, thanks for the review. Its really helpful
I love the slow and steady learning that this bike allows so that little ones like your daughter can grow into using it. It looks well made and has a cool style.
this looks like a great first bike for a young kid. i think my nephew would enjoy it.
I have heard of this before. I think my children each need one of these.. It would help so much! My 4 yr old rides to one side on her training wheels.. scary!
Our neighbor bought one of these for her daughter and it was amazing. The scary part of riding a bicycle is the sensation of balancing and the Strider helps kids achieve it without the same risk as taller bicycles and without the bother of having pedals to work while working on balance.
These are very cool, I first saw them on the Shark Tank. My granddaughter got one for her birthday. They can learn to ride a bike so much earlier!
I love anything that gets kids up and moving, I bet my youngest would love this.
What a cute little bike. My little girl would love to get this for Christmas.
I see that it is an great bike for toddlers especially for first timers. We tried so many bikes but the balancing was first to learn.
I have seen these bikes around our neighborhood too and they are really cool.
I wish they had this when my children were little and learning to ride a bike. I love the hot pink color.
She looks so cute with her little bike. My toddler is an adventurer so was on hers the very first day. She couldn’t wait for us to set it up. She even rides it in the house. 🙂
This is such a cute and compact bike. I like having a small framed bike like this to teach children how to ride a two wheeler. I think being closer to the floor gives kids more confidence.
Great idea! Safe, sturdy and fun. This would give me some peace of mind as a parent and give my child loads of fun. I love all of these sturdy, safe toys that are coming out for children now days.
The Strider Balance Bike looks like the perfect gift for a new bike rider. It looks very safe for a young child just learning to ride. I have to say I love the pink color, very stylish.
We love STRIDERS!!! We had one and it was very instrumental in helping my son learn to ride a bike. We loved the fact that hey felt like a big kid riding scooting around with his sister outside and also that he learned some independence from it. 🙂
Now that I understand what these are and what their purpose is, it makes so much sense to start a child out like this!
When our youngest was 18 months old we purchased the Strider as we wanted a more durable bike than the wooden one we had for our eldest. Younger brother is now 2 and a half and zips around like crazy trying to keep up with big brother and is even trying to do “tricks”. His balance is great and he has been riding a pedal bike without training wheels for about a month but still goes back to the Strider because he can go faster. We love the bike and the people who work for Strider are terrific, helped us tremendously when we had to replace a wheel because it had been worn out from riding so much.
My son has a strider and races in USA BMX races! He is amazing on the thing I am very comfortable in saying that he will never have to have training wheels. If you have a small child this is most certainly a wonderful gift!