General Hospital Spoilers: Will Trina’s Harsh Words Change Heather’s Mind About Reopening Her Case?

General Hospital: Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali)

General Hospital spoilers report Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) would’ve stunned her mother if Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) could’ve seen the disdain with which she treated Heather Webber (Alley Mills). Trina may have a bleeding heart, but she’s not keen on giving Heather any more grace than she deserves.

Still, the young woman has more tact than her mom; we’ll give her that. But Trina’s refusal to accept Heather’s apology really stung the psychopathic killer for some reason.

Regardless of why she was motivated to kill all of those people, Heather was the one who pulled the poisoned hook on them. It’s big of Trina to suggest she wants justice in whatever form it comes in. We just hope she’s actually ready to live with the consequences of those words.

General Hospital Spoilers — Heather is All In

Signaling to Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) that she needed her to relay a short message to Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner), Heather made her decision quite quickly in the moments after Trina left her hospital room.

She’s done running from this. She had the chance to apologize to Trina, and she’s grateful for it. But seeing as how it made no difference, didn’t make her feel any better, and didn’t change matters for Trina, it made Heather realize nothing ever would.

Her staying in prison won’t bring back the lives she took, and her going free won’t either — so why should she suffer in a cell forever if the court says she doesn’t have to?

General Hospital: Heather Webber (Alley Mills)

GH Spoilers Claim Trina is the Tipping Point

Trina never could’ve imagined when she entered Heather’s hospital room that she would have any impact on her. In fact, she must’ve been assuming there was literally no way to have any impact on Heather’s state of mind, but that’s Trina’s perception of her being a homicidal maniac who had no self control. What if that’s not true anymore.

General Hospital Spoilers — Portia is Shattered

While Portia and Mayor Laura Collins (Genie Francis) may have made up and agreed to disagree but move on in this department, Laura is only off the hook because she won’t be needed anymore.

Heather has the help of the sleaziest attorney in town, albeit he’s still effective. With Scott in her corner, she just may prevail.

Portia will have to contend with the decision a court makes, but will she find it harder to do knowing it was Trina who pushed Heather over the edge into deciding to take the leap and reopen her case? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to see how this plays out.

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