How Many Snakes Does Jackson Roloff Have Now?

Jackson Roloff

Jackson Roloff was taking it easy just chilling on the porch when his mom arrived for a chat. Tori, the mom of three raises her boy on a little farm property in Washington. And if you don’t know, he’s crazy about snakes. So, they got to talking about how many he has now. Oh, and if you worry that he keeps them in the house, his mom won’t allow that,

Jackson Roloff Has A Hobby That Makes His Mom Anxious

Recently, Tori took to her Instagram and told her TLC fans that her oldest son hatched a baby snake. Apparently, they are not dangerous and are known as Garter or Gardener snakes. Still, they have teeth and they wriggle, so his mom’s not keen on them. Apparently, he also has a lizard and a salamander. And, probably some reptiles like frogs as well. Anyway, the snakes live in a tank, However, the kid is not allowed to keep them in the house. So, they live over in the shop.

Jackson Roloff’s hobby doesn’t sit all that well with his mom. Mind you, the Little People Big World star could perhaps be happy that he doesn’t seem to be very affectionate towards spiders. In her stories, she talked about how she thought she saw a spider in her car and nearly had an accident. Last year, Zach and Jackson laughed at her because she was terrified one of the snakes would crawl up her dress. Clearly, Zach is the one who passed on the love of reptiles to his son.

Jackson Roloff Has How Many Baby Snakes?

Telling his mom about his pets in the shop, the kid used his hands to indicate how big they are now. So, his mom asked if he touched them and he said yes. Next, she asked him how many snakes he has. Well, clearly proud of the snake nest, he admitted that he now has 11 of the baby ones.  That raised his mom’s eyebrows nearly right off her face. And that’s also when she assured her fans that she would never ever allow him to keep any snakes “in the house.”

Tori Roloff / Instagram Stories

Jackson Roloff seems like any typical kid who gets raised on a farm or rural property in the USA. They develop a love for nature rather than a fear of every living creature. Fortunately, most kids grow out of wanting to keep snakes in the store or in the house. Mind you, little Josiah will probably go through the same phase at some stage in the future. Meanwhile, Lilah is still at the age where she prefers chickens to reptiles.

Are Garter Snakes Dangerous?

According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the snakes that Jackson Roloff loves so much might face a bleak future. Apparently, local “amphibian populations could potentially result in [a] decline of this species.” 

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with LPBW right now. Come back here often for more Little People, Big World spoilers, news, and updates.

1 Comment
  1. […] Jackson Roloff, 7, became a firm favorite of Little People, Big World (LPBW) fans because he seemed to be a stoic and cute kid since he was a baby. This week, TLC fans on social media expressed their admiration for the son of Tori and Zach Roloff. Read on to find out why. […]

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